It's Go Time Pt 2

170 11 19

Kierra POV

Its been a long ass night and I had no time to call my babies or return my brother's call I was getting ready to walk to my office and I seen hondo being rushed in I seen him unconscious with a lump under his eye.

"Hey what happened to him?" I asked one of the emt's

"We received a call from a neighbor that stated they heard a fight but when we got there he was unconscious but still breathing we tried to we tried smelling salts and nothing, then sternum rub nothing he then flat lined.
We tried to revive him but there was nothing that could be done so we brought him here so the family can view him." The EMT said before heading back to the truck

Damn I wanted him in jail but hey life happens poor Skylar I guess I'll make the call to his parents.

I grabbed my phone and then went to get his emergency contact info which I'm sure will be his parents since he and Saniya are divorced by default.

I walked down the hall to grab his information and made my way back to my office I was not going to use my phone number so I called from my office line.

I dialed the number and waited patiently for someone to pick up "Good evening is this Mrs.Moore?" I asked

"Yes this is she"

"Hi Mrs Moore this is Dr.Sheard from University Hospital and I am calling on the behalf of your son Shamar Moore he has you listed as his emergency contact.

"Yes is he okay?" She asked in a worried tone.

Ma'am you are listed on his emergency contact list can you please come to the hospital it is urgent.

"Yes I will be there shortly I know you can't tell me what's wrong so I will not trouble you to ask. My husband and I will be there soon.

"Ok we will see you soon Mrs.Moore."

I hung up the phone and I do not want to be the one to break the news that her son is dead right now an autopsy is being done for cause of death.

I grabbed my phone and called Erica while I have a minute to spare before someone calls me to help with something or scrub in.

I FaceTime baby and it rang a few times I looked at the time and seen its 11:00pm so she should be up.

"Waaaaaaa waaaaaa" my Pooh is crying her little heart out as her mama answered the phone trying to make her a bottle I seen.

"Hey baby give me one second I'm almost done lil mama bottle so I can feed her.

Awwww mommy baby don't cry mama been starving my baby? Hmmm?

Hush little baby don't you cry mama's gonna buy you a lullaby

and if that lullaby don't sing mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring

and if that diamond ring don't shine mama's gonna— she's now quiet  as I watch Erica feeding her.

Erica is back in the bed sitting up against the headboard while holding the baby adjusting the camera so I can see them both.

"Whats up baby? How is work going we miss you" she says poking her bottom lip out

"Ummm work was going good even though I'm tired but catch this! Tell me why they just brought Hondo in here" I say whispering.

"Wait what!? What happened to him? She asked

"Well that I don't know but the EMT said that they received a call and they went and found him unconscious he was breathing but when they put him in the ambulance they tried a few ways to wake him but he flatlined they couldn't do anything to revive him."

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