Chapter 1 - Avengers Tower

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I am startled awake by the blaring of my alarm. Trying to not open my eyes, I feel all over the counter of my bedside table to find my phone and finally shut off my alarm. "UGH!" I groan out, not wanting to get up. I am not a morning person at all, but I have to get ready for work.

"Y/N you better be getting ready! I don't want to be late!" I could hear Maria shout from outside my room.

"Yea Yea, I'm up sis!" I shouted back.

"I mean it Y/N, I know exactly how you are in the mornings!"

"Ria I am getting ready now! Chill out sis" I yell back as I got up and head to the shower.

Today is my first day at my new job and I must say, even though I don't want to get up, I am pretty excited! I will be working with my sister and with the avengers! How cool is that!?!

So Maria Hill is my older sister, but I call her "Ria" for short. I have a pretty badass sister for sure! She used to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. until that whole winter soldier fiasco. She never told me much about her assignments. She would says that the less I know, the safer I am. She has made sure that I lived a simple/normal life as best as she could. She has taken care of me ever since we lost our parents a couple years ago. We unfortunately lost them in the battle of New York. Their death hit me really hard and I was a mess for a while. Thankfully my sister and Nat where there for me and were able to bring me out of my dark place.

Oh yea Nat or you may know her as The black widow. She is my sister's "Best Friend".

HA! Like I believe that. I am 100% sure those two are together or have some sort of relationship. But I don't press my sister about it. I am just grateful that I have two great people looking after me. Nat helped me with my anger after my parents died. She would train me in combat and helped me channel all the negative emotions I had. Maria didn't like it at first, but gave in when she noticed how it actually was helping me recover mentally. So after years of training, I must say, I am pretty good. Not good enough to beat Nat of course, but I can take down my sister pretty easily.

"Y/N! You have 1 minute to get down here so we can leave" I heard my sister shout as I was walking out of my room.

"Ria relax please! You are making me even more nervous than I already am. I am here and ready! Lets go" I said to her

"Sorry Y/N, I guess I am just nervous too. You are now going to be working with me and I am just scared I guess" Maria said as she just looked at me with glossy eyes

"Ria you know I love you. You've done nothing but protect me ever since our parents passed and even before then! You know I have looked up to you my whole life. I know you were hesitant to let me take this job, but thank you for allowing me to make my own choices. I know how dangerous this can be, but I know that as long as I'm with you, I am not scared of anything. Plus I have Nat to watch out for me too" I said as I went to hug my sister.

"I love you more Y/N and as scared as I am, I am even happier that you will be working with me. And yea Nat is also excited for you to be joining. That's all she's talked about this past week. Kinda annoying honestly" She said as he gave me a hard squeeze before we let go

"Someone's jealous that their girlfriend is talking about someone else" I joked as I smirked at Maria

"HA HA funny! She is not my girlfriend Y/N!

"Oh yea sure, mhm, I believe you Ria" I say sarcastically 

"Ok enough of that, here, I made you a beagle so you can eat on the road. Now lets go. Fury hates when people are late" she said as we walked out the door.


As soon as we arrived at the Avengers tower, Nat was there to great us.

"Mini Maria!" Nat shouted as she walked up to hug me

"Nat!! Don't call me that here! I don't want that to be a thing here!

"Sorry Y/N but you can't stop me, so deal with it" she stated as she smirked

"Hi Nat, good to see you" Maria said as I saw a blush form on my sisters cheek

"Hey Maria, really good to see you too" Nat said with a big smile and she went to hug Maria

I just stood there staring back and forth at both of them giggling as they both stared at each other for a minute.

"Sooo, shall we go in or are y'all going to keep gazing into each others eyes" I decided to say jokingly to break this tension

"U-um yea of course lets go" Maria said as she cleared her throat

"After you Mini Maria" Nat said as we begin to walk into the tower


Maria gets me checked in and gets my badge and clearance done, meanwhile Nat went to gather the Avengers in a meeting room. As I was waiting for Maria, Tony comes to greet me.

"Y/N!" He shouts while coming to give me a hug


"Glad to see you kid! Are you ready for your first day?"

"Yea of course! I am excited and nervous to be honest with you!

"Don't be nervous kid. I know how great you are and will do nothing but great things here! I am very excited to have you on board. Plus I get to see you more" Tony says

Tony has also been there for me so much after everything as well. He is like a dad to me and I a daughter to him. He was excited for me to finally graduate MIT and hoped that I would work at the Avengers tower. Tony and Maria had agreed that I could shadow my sister until I was able to do things on my own.

"Thanks Tony! For everything! I truly appreciate and love you so much! I can't wait to help you take down the bad guys!"

"No problem kid! So where is you sister?"

"Right here, hey Tony. I was just getting Y/N cleared out. Here you go Y/N, here is your badge. Please don't lose it!" Maria says as I roll my eyes

"Ok Good are we ready to head up then?" Tony asks Maria

"Yup lets go introduce Y/N to the Avengers. They should all be in the meeting room with Nat"

"Great lets go. You ready Kid?"

I take a deep breath, "As ready as I'll ever be I guess. Let's go" I say as we make our way to the elevators.


A/N: 🙂📝

First chapter done. As of right now I don't have an upload schedule, but I want to try and upload 3 times a week. Thanks again everyone! 💚

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