Chapter 7 - Training

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Well its been a week since the incident. That same day Bruce explained to me that I now posses telepathy and telekinesis. The telekinesis I can live with but the telepathy is soooo annoying. I can hear peoples loud thoughts. So its just usually what they are thinking to themselves at the moment. I have not been able to stop it. I mean don't get me wrong sometimes it comes in handy, but there are times where you just DON'T want to hear certain things.

Today I will be training with Yelena and Kate and see if they can come up with a way to train my abilities. So I am heading to the training room now.

As I get there I see Yelena and Kate awfully close. "I just want to kiss her so bad!". Yelena's thoughts are always so loud when she is around Kate.

"Hey Kate, Hi Yelena, I hope I wasn't interrupting anything" I say smirking.

"Y/N!" Kate comes to give me a hug.

Yelena gets up quickly, "Um no of course not. Anyways let get started. So to be honest with you Y/N, Kate has no idea how to train you, but I on the other hand will just train you the same way. Just now you will use your abilities with me. Just don't kill me ok"

"Um Yelena, I don't know if that is a good idea. I am not fully in control of them yet. It may be dangerous."

"Ha! Y/N don't make me laugh. Now hurry lets get started."

"Y/N, despite what Yelena says, I was actually thinking that meditation would really help you control your mind so you don't get overwhelmed with everyones thoughts."

"Meditation? I don't know about that, I am not really a meditation type of person Kate."

"Trust the process Y/N I am sure this will be beneficial for you. But I recommend we start with Yelena's part first"

Just then Nat walks in to the training room. "Hey laddies, how training going?"

"We are just about to start Natasha. We are going to start with her wiggly woos" Yelena says

I let out a huge laugh " Wiggly Woos what kind of name is that Yelena"

"What? You do weird wiggling motions with your fingers when you use your powers" Yelena defends

"I like that name" Kate says

"Of course you would Kate. You like anything Yelena does" I say with a smirk

Nat just laughs. "Ok let me see this training you come up with Yelena"

"Ok let's get started"

"WAIT!" I shout. "I need music. Jarvis play my workout playlist please"

"Of course Ms Hill" Jarvis says over the loud speaker

"Ew Jarvis I told you call me Y/N please"

"Of course Y/n. now playing your workout list"

Just then "Ghosts 'n' Stuff" by deadmau5 beings to play

"Perfect lets go Yelena!"

Our session consisted of Yelena asking me to levitate different things of different weights. I finished lifting everything in the gym that Yelena could things of. So 

"Ok Y/N, I want to see what your limit is with levitating things and from how far can you do it. So you see there? That car, try and lift it from here." Yelena says as we both stand by the window and see the car that is parked on the street. 

We are currently on the 4th floor in avengers towers. I am not sure how far that is away from the ground but it seem pretty far. 

"Um ok. Give me a second" I take a deep breath and focus all my energy towards the car. My yellow aura leaves my hands and heads to the car. I give it all the power I have and it levitates about 5 feet from the ground until I can not hold it anymore. I am still able to set it down slowly but it takes a lot of strength out of me.

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