Chapter 14 - Yellow Sapphire or Sapphire for short...

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We are currently one hour out from our first destination. Carol walks over to sit next to me.

"So you don't have a suit yet?" she asks.

"Nope. It's fine though. I've worn this tactical suit before. It works."

"I'm sure it does, but how about we try something. Tony is it ready?" Carol asks.

"Yup here you go. Hope you like it kid." Tony says with a smile

"Ok, here put this on." Carol says handing me a bracelet looking thing. I put it on my right hand.

"Now, remember when you synced the hammer with your powers. Try doing that with the ring."

"Ok, let me try." I took a deep breath and channeled my powers. My bracelet started to glow bright yellow. Everyone in the jet had to shield their eyes a bit.

"Perfect I think you did it. Let's try it out. Think of a suit."

"Um Ok...funny enough, I've thought of this before. It is something like yours actually, but just more latex-y. I like a bit more flexibility. I like the red and blue combo you have though."

"Hmm...Ok just think of how you want it look in your head and concentrate on the image."

"Ok...concentrating on the image..." All of a sudden a surge of power washes over me and in the blink of an eye the suit morphs on my body. "Whoa!"

Everyone on the jet turns to look at me stunned.

"You did it! W-wow

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"You did it! W-wow... it looks good Y/N" Carol says as she eyes my up and down.

I start to feel a blush creeping in. "Thanks Carol. Wow! This is cool. What is this bracelet?"

"So Tony made this to help you manage your powers. Think of it like training wheels. You don't need this bracelet Y/N, but it will help take in some power so that it does not overwhelm you all at once. Does that make sense? I had something like this a long time ago. When you feel ready you can take it off and control your power on your own. But for now I think this can help you." Carol say as I jump to hug her. This catches her off guard and now she is blushing.

"U-um so what is the "S" for, on your chest? N-not that I am looking at your chest, its just big. The "S" I mean. Your chest is not big, it is perfect." Carol finally just closes her mouth realizing that she is just rambling now.

I can hear Yelena, Nat and Kate just giggling on the side of the jet, as they can hear everything. I turn to look at those three, and they just burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry Y/N" Carol says embarrassed as I turn to look at her.

I just let out a small laugh. "Carol please don't worry about it. As for the "S", I added it for my superhero name, Sapphire. It is my birthstone. Although it usually is blue, there is a rare gemstone that comes in yellow, just like the stone inside me. So you know, I just put everything together and Yellow Sapphire, or just Sapphire for short, is what I am going with. I feel like it has a ring to it. I like it."

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