Chapter 37 - All The Stars

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Wanda POV

We finally arrive at Wakanda and King T'Challa is waiting for us at the landing pad.

"Welcome to Wakanda." He says with a smile as we all exit the jet. "I know the last time we saw each other, I was blinded by my mission for revenge, but I hope that we can put that past us and you all could forgive me. I was not in the right mind after the loss of my father, but that still does not excuse my actions."

"No need for apologies, all has been forgotten and we thank you for welcoming us here. We appreciate your offer to help Bucky, but we were also hoping if you could help Y/N. The chip in her head has been tampered with while she was detained and it seems to be affecting her at random times. We had an incident on the flight here." Steve explains as T'Challa looks at me as I hold up Y/N with the help of Maria.

"Of course, we will see what we can do. I am sure my sister will love to help. This is more of her area. Let's get her to the lab and I will introduce you all to Shuri."

We get to the lab and set Y/N down on the table in the center. "Well who do we have here?" A girl comes in with a tablet in her hand and heads over to the table.

"Sister, perfect timing. Everyone this is my sister Shuri, Shuri, this is part of the Avengers."

"Ohh ok hello everyone, what happened to her. Is she the one with the chip in her head?" She asks as she moves one of her machines to Y/N's head and it begins to run a scan.

"Yes, um-... we need to take it out." I say as I walk up to Y/N and hold her hand.

"Are you the girlfriend?" Shuri asks as she she looks up at me with a smile.

"Yes! yes she is!" Kate shouts out as we all look back at her. "What? She technically is."

"But not officially..." I hear Bucky say under his breath. He thought no one heard him but I turn back quickly and glare at him.

"Well ok then. So my scans show that Y/N's chip is deep in her frontal lobe, it is attached in between her prefrontal Cortex and hippocampus. This would be the reason for irregutlatires with higher cognitive functions such as memory, emotions, impulse control, and so on."

"Can you take it out?" I ask not really understanding all this medical talk.

"With my eyes closed. This will be an easy procedure. But I cannot guarantee that it will be the same Y/N that will wake up. The mind is a tricky muscle and I cannot see if Y/N's more recent memories are being stored in her mind or in the chip. When Y/N wakes up, it could be the version of her that she was before the chip or she could just be the Y/N you know now. That is something we will not know until after she wakes up." Shuri explains and I begin to worry.

What if Y/N won't remember everything that has happened between us. She will walk up hating me like before. She won't want to be with me, because before the chip she did have feeling for Sharon. My mind is racing with all these possibilities and I feel Kate and Yelena walk up to me. They must of seen the concern on my face. "Witchy she will remember you, don't worry." Yelena says as she puts her hand on my shoulder. "Yea Wanda, even if she doesn't remember what has happened between you both recently, she has always loved you Wanda. That was never in question. There is no need to be worried, you won't lose her." Kate then says to reassure me. I look at both of them and give them a small smile. 

"Wanda..." I hear Maria and I turn to look at her. "We need to do this...for her."

"I know."I turn back and face Shuri. "Please take care of her Shuri."

She nods at me and calls for her assistants to prep Y/N. "This will take a couple of hours, so my brother will take you all and show you around. As soon as she is ready, I will make sure to call you all back immediately."

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