Chapter 31 - Meet Me in the Middle

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I begins to see flashes of memories in my head. I see myself in a school. I am carrying books and I bump into a blonde woman. I don't know who that is but she smiles at me and I feel the shyness that I felt during that moment. Then that memory is quickly changed.

Now I see that I am in a house with another woman. A dark haired woman who is a bit older. I am giving her a hug. "I will alway be here for you Y/N. I would never abandon you. You are my sister and I will always make sure you are ok." "Thank you Ria. I love you" I see myself talking to her and hugging this woman...Ria? Maria? I guess this is my sister. I can feel the love that we have towards one another. Her and I must be really close.

Then it switches and I see us attend a funeral. I am crying hysterically and Maria is doing her best to console me. On the others side of me is a red head. I remember fighting with her. "It's ok Y/N let it out. I am here for you. I love you so much Y/N." I see the red head doing her best to console me as well. I am not sure whose funeral we are at but I see the portraits of a man and a woman. "Mom and Dad will always be with us Y/N. We will always carry their memory in our hearts. They were so proud of us because we always looked out for each other and we will continue to do so." Maria is now hugging me as I continue to cry. I can feel the pain of my heartbreak. This is my parents funeral. The pain and sorrow is getting to be too much for me. I can feel the anger I hold in this memory but also the love I have for my sister and the red head. "Thank you for being here with us Nat. I really appreciate your support." I say as I hug her. Nat. . .

Now I am fighting with Nat but in a ring. "Let out your pain Y/N, make me feel your anger with your punches. Keep your emotions under control and release them with every hit." "I am trying Natasha! I am not as good as you. I will never be able to beat you." I lay flat on the ground doing my best to get my breath back. I can feel the anger. "I will help you channel your anger Y/N. You can't keep running away from you pain. It will end up consuming you."

We switch to me being in another school. I can see myself much younger, sixteen maybe. I am next to a girl sitting on a table in a huge room. We are eating food and talking back and forth. It is a room full of kids, but it's as if it is only her and I. I think I may like this girl. I am starting to feel those familiar emotions I feel when I am near Wanda. "Jean I don't want you to move away. You've been a great friend to me and I didn't have enough time to tell you... um just how I feel about you ... um as a person..." I feel that sadness I have. "I know but I have to go finish school somewhere else Y/N and I am sorry that I can't tell you why. Please just know that I will alway love you. I know how you feel about me and please trust that I feel the same way for you. I am sorry that I never told you, but I will find you again one day Y/N." I am feeling way too much at this moment and I can feel myself getting overwhelmed.

I now see myself standing in front of the mind stone. I hear it speak to me and I see an image in the bright yellow light. "You will be the protecter of the Scarlet Witch. . .protect her. That is your purpose." I then feel the pain and fear I felt as the stone enters my body. By this point I look to be passed out, but I can still see my body levitating. The pain I am feeling due to the stone is to much I can no longer tolerate it.  

"Wanda I can't ... I can't do this anymore." Just like that I am brought back and I open my eyes and see Wanda's face right in front of mine with tears running down her face. "Wanda are you ok?" I ask worriedly.

"Yea I am sorry, it's just I felt your emotions in your memories and they were so strong. I am sorry Y/N." She says as she pulls back and wipes her tears.

"No it's ok. But unfortunately I don't feel any different. I have those memories now but it's almost as if they are not my own. How come you didn't show me any memories of you and me?" I say and she just lifts an eyebrow looking at me a bit shocked. "Well of you and Kate and Yelena too. I didn't mean-um... Those were very random memories is all I mean. That first memory only lasted about two seconds." I say trying to fix my statement.

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