Chapter 3 - Fury

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Its been a month now and I have learned the ropes pretty quickly. With both Maria and I working this project, it been moving really fast. The Avengers have went on many missions shutting down multiple Hydra bases. Fury says this is all thanks to the data Maria and I have gathered in such a short amount of time. That boosts my confidence for sure.

Working with my sister has been really great. We've been able to spend more time together and talk more. Maria has even finally opened up to me about being in a relationship with Nat. She asked me about my dating life and I opened up to her as well. I confessed that I am also definitely ONLY into women, but as far as in a dating life, I don't have that. I revealed that I went on one date with a women early this year. I thought we had a good time, but I never heard from her again. It is what it is, but man was she pretty.

Despite the still constant looks I get from Yelena when I am too close to Kate, she has grown to tolerate me a bit more. Dare I even say, I think we may be friends. I have also become really good friends with Kate. She even told me of her crush on Yelena, but of course I am not allowed to tell her. Just the same way I am not allowed to tell Kate about Yelena's crush on her. Nat threatened me and explained it would be better to let them figure it out.

Yelena has really taken advantage of our training to kick the crap out of me. Thankfully I have gotten better at defending her, so we have really great training matches now. Kate has helped me improve my aiming with weapons, but she likes to mainly use her arrows.

Today, Fury requested to speak with both Maria and I, so we heading into his office now.

"Ah, Y/N, my favorite agent" Fury says, not calling me Agent Hill because I've begged him not to, "and Agent Hill my 2nd favorite agent." Furry says

"Thanks Fury" Maria says sarcastically shaking her head

"Fury!!! What can we do for you today" I ask

"Well today the avengers will be going to another Hydra base. Your research on this base shows it to be unoccupied and I want one of you to assist the avengers today. You would assist on comms and be ready to receive a data transfer on the jet. It's nothing major, just a simple recon mission." Fury explains.

My eyes widen because I had not been put on a mission before and I thought maybe it was too soon. Which I know Maria would probably say.

"I volunteer Fury." Maria spoke up very quickly

"I kinda had a feeling you would Agent Hill, but I want Y/N to go. Since you both have concluded that the base would be empty, I am sending Romanoff, Belova and Bishop to retrieve any information that may have been left at the base.  Romanoff will sync to the computers there and see if there is anymore information on the whereabout of the Scepter." Fury explained

"Sir,  but- ..."

"Agent Hill, Y/N would stay on the quinjet, ready to receive any data from Agent Romanoff. This should be a quick in-and-out and perfect for Y/N's first mission." Fury sternly says to Maria, solidifying his decision.

"Sir thank you and I am ready" I say to Fury and then look over to Maria and just give her a reassuring nod and smile

"I know you are Y/N. I will send the mission file to Agent Romanoff and you can go get ready. Meet them at the quinjet in 1 hour"

"Understood Sir, thank you for the opportunity."

"You've been working hard Y/N. You have earned it. Good luck"

I nod and turn to walk out of the office expecting Maria to follow me, but she stays with Fury. I'm guessing she is going to try and talk him out of it. I need to get in a right headspace, so I am just going to get ready.

I decide to just do a quick 15 min workout to try and get rid of my nerves. I head towards the gym, I put my earphone in and put my workout playlist.

"Hideaway" by Kiesza starts playing. I start with a quick warmup and hop on the treadmill. Running has always helped me clear my head. I just finished a mile when I hear the training room doors open. I look and see Maria coming in with a worry on her face. I turn the machine off and pause my music.

"Y/N, I don't doubt your abilities, but are you sure you're up for this. I can go and there would be nothing wrong with it" Maria says, almost hoping that I agree with her.

"Ria, I am fine and I am ready. Like Fury said, in-and-out, quick and easy. We did the research and we know the base will be empty, so there is nothing to worry about." I say trying my best to reassure her.

Maria sighs "I know its just ... Y/N I'm just scared, I don't want anything to happen to you and I just don't have a good feeling about this"

"I know you're worried Ria, but this is what I signed up for. I promise, I will ok and Nat will be there. You know she will do everything in her power to keep me safe. Now, I have to go shower really quick and get ready."

"Ok Y/N you're right. I am gonna have a talk with Nat while I let you get ready. I'll meet you on the jet to send you off ok."

"Ok Ria, thank you and take it easy on Nat" I say giggling while I hug Maria, then run to the showers to get ready.


A/N: 🙂📝

It is pretty late for me, but I couldn't sleep. So I thought I would update a new chapter. This one is a bit short, but I have the next one coming right up. 💚

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