Chapter 17 - Revelations & Dreams

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We take off from the tower as soon as I enter the jet. Kate, Yelena and Carol were sitting with each other on one side and Wanda was with Pietro way on the other side of the jet. The rest of the team was just scattered throughout the jet. I was sitting next to Vision when I hear Kate call out to me.

"Y/N get your ass here now!" Kate shouted in a whisper as best as she could to not make a scene. She pointed to the seat next to her, so I walked towards her very cautiously. Kate has never really been mad at me before, but I guess this may be the first time. It is a little scary. I take a seat next to hear and she quickly pivots to face me.

"Y/N what in the hell is going on. I have been worried about my best friend for the last couple of days and now you're here with the person that kidnapped you... We were all worried about you Y/N." Kate says as she points to Carol and Yelena. "You have to give me something Y/N because I won't lose it like these two did earlier, but I don't know if we can trust her. She messed up the team really bad that day you got kidnapped. But Nat had it the worst."

"Kate stop." Yelena says sternly. "Do not bring up those events about my sister."

"What happened?"

"Nothing Y/N go back to your witch." Yelena snaps at me.

"Yelena C'mon. Nat is my number one priority right now. I told you." Yelena just scoffs.

"You and her seem really close Y/N. We are just worried about you and want to make sure you are ... well not being manipulated" Carol says. I understand what she means, but I can also sense her jealousy.

"You guys, I can't really explain what is going on because I don't know myself. Yes Wanda and Pietro were helping Ultron and yea they kidnapped me. I didn't know that she had done anything to the team, but I assume it's similar to what she did to Tony. They know they messed up and they are trying to fix it. That is why they are here. Yelena your sister has always been one of the most important people in my life, just like my sister. I know you and me got off on the wrong foot when we met, and I was a bit mad that Nat never told me about you because I feel we could have been best friends a lot sooner."

Yelena looks up at me. "You think of me as your best friend?" She asks almost shockingly.

Are you kidding me Yelena! Of course I do. Both you and Kate have been there since day one for me. You have helped me so much that I can't even put into words. I know how hard it is for you to trust people and I understand if I'm not there for you yet, but I will never let you down Yelena. Nor you Kate. I didn't have many friends growing up, but I am so glad I have you two.

Yelena just looks at me with the cutest frown, but I don't know if that is good or bad.

"Yelena?" She didn't respond. She just gets up and engulfs me in biggest hug I have ever received from her. I just let out a huge sigh.

"Thank you Y/N. I didn't know I meant that much to you. I never had anyone to call a friend before Kate, but now I have you as well. I do consider you a best friend Y/N even though you can be a pain in my ass."

I then turn to Carol. "Carol I didn't mean to leave you out of this. You have also done so much for me since we reunited and I have come to love our friendship. But Carol I did mean it when I said I needed time for myself. Not that your kisses aren't great, but I don't want to give you the wrong idea or lead you on. I want our friendship Carol. I really, really do."

"Is this because of her?" Carol says pointing towards Wanda.

"This is because of me Carol. I have way to much to adjust to right now and my sister wanting to give me the talk because you told her we are dating is not something I also want to deal with."

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