Chapter 19 - Recovery & Farewell

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I start to wake up and immediately figure out where I am. I really have been here too many times. Wait it actually looks a bit different. I know I am back in medical at the tower, but it looks a bit different...bigger. I look to my left and Maria is on the chair asleep. On the other side, to my surprise, Carol is there. I feel a bit disappointed that it is not Wanda, but I understand that she may need her space. I look at the door and I see a head peak in.

"Vision? Hi! Where am I?" I ask as Vision begins to walk into the room.

"Hello Y/N. We are at the new avengers compound. Just outside of New York."

"A new compound? Oh, Tony created a new place for the Avengers?"

"That correct Y/N. Your things have been moved into a room here as well."

"My things? But I hav not accepted to be an avenger." I say as Maria begin to wakes up.

"Hey Ria"

"Y/N, how are you feeling?"

"I am feeling better Ria."

"I will give you both some time. If you need me, I will be with Mr. Stark."

"Thanks Vision" I say as he begins to leave.

"How is Nat and the rest of the team?"

"Everyone is good. Yelena just had a couple of cuts to get cleaned up, but thankfully everyone is fine."

"Not everyone Ria. What happened with Pietro?"

"We have him here. As soon as Wanda tells us what she wants to do, we will go ahead with her wishes."

A tear begins to fall from my eye. "I tried Ria. I really tried to save him. I couldn't get there fast enough."

"Hey Y/N, I know you tried. Everyone know you tried. Even Wanda knows you tried. No one blames you."

"How is Wanda doing?" I ask nervously.

"She is trying her best, but she has not really left her room. She only comes down for water or food. She came once to check on you. I told her you were recovering and that we were just waiting for you to wake up."

"Y/N! You're awake! I'm sorry I was asleep. You should have woke me." Carol says as she begins to sit up

"It's ok Carol."

"Um Y/N I wanted to apologize to you. I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me. I was just worried because you were injured and I just took it out on Wanda."

"Carol you don't have to apologize to me"

"Well I wanted to Y/N and I already apologized to Wanda. I know we don't really get along and I understand that it is because we both like you"

"Carol I-..."

"Y/N, I am leaving. I have to go back to space to take care of some things and I am not sure when or if I will be coming back. Even if I wasn't leaving, I am not sure if I had a chance with you again. I know I ruined it the first time by just leaving. I am really sorry about that Y/N."

"Thank you Carol. But all has been forgiven for that. Please don't worry about that anymore. Who will train me if you leave? You never even started any lessons with me"

"Well you have Vision now. I think he understand your powers more than any of us ever could. You also have Wanda. She seems to also have very similar powers to you. You will be taken care of Y/N, I don't doubt that."

"When do you leave?"

"In about 15 minutes."

"Does the team know?" Maria asks. I sort of forgot she was there for a bit.

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