Chapter 21 - Too Late

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The bar we walk into is pretty crowded. I mean it is a Saturday so it makes sense. They have some music playing as well, so it's pretty loud in here too. We spot a table and head over to it.

"I'll get the drinks. Cosmopolitan for Kate and 2 Vodka shots for Yelena." I says double checking if that's what they want.

"Yes thank you Y/N." Kate says as Yelena just gives me a thumbs up.

I head over to the bar and order the drinks. As I am waiting I turn and start looking around the bar and I see people just having a good time. Sometimes I do wonder if I made the right choice to work at the tower. I will never have this, a "normal life". I don't regret anything I did, but I would be lying if I said I don't think about it from time to time.

The bartender gets my attention and places my drinks in front of me. I pay for them and head back to our table.

"Here you both go."

"Nooo Y/N you ordered the same drink as Kate. No no no here take one of my shots. Drink with me." Yelena says handing me her other shots. I look at her and don't even fight it. I take it and drink it with her.

"There we go. Perfect. Now this one. Let's drink." Yelena then grabs Kate's drink and finishes it in one gulp and I do the same. I can't help but just laugh at Kate's facial expression.

"Lena! I only got one sip!" Kate cries out.

"I am sorry Kate. Let's go get the next round. Y/N you stay here. Save our table" Yelena says as she grabs Kate's hand and drags her to the bar.

I continue laughing as I watch them leave. Then I turn around and see a woman standing right in front of me.

"May I sit here?" The blond woman asks.

"Um, yea sure, go ahead" I say pointing to the seat.

"Thank you" she says with a smile as she places her drink on the table.

"My name is Sharon" she holds out her hand for me to shake.

"I am Y/N."

"Nice to meet you Y/N. Were those your friends who just got up?"

"Yea. Just enjoying a night out. The past few weeks have been pretty stressful at work"

"Ah ok, yea work will do that to you sometimes."

"You're turn, are you here by yourself?" I say as I gaze into her eyes. She is very beautiful.

"Well I was here to meet someone, but they never showed. I was just gonna head back home, but then I saw you. I mustered up enough courage to come talk to you." she says with a smile.

"Meet someone, as in a date?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

She laughs. "Yea, but it's ok. Things happen for a reason I guess. Now I found someone a bit more interesting"

"Oh really, well that is very unfortunate for the other person, because they have no idea that they lost their chance with a beautiful woman." I say smiling. Whoa were is this confidence coming from.

"Thank you, but I am thankful they didn't show, because now you get to have me."

I let out chuckle. "Well I am thankful for that as well." We both stare at each other for a moment and there is defiantly some good tension brewing between us.

"So do you have any plans for the rest of the night?"

"Well um..." I look around for Kate and Yelena. I see them sitting at the bar  watching my interaction with this woman. They start giggling as they notice me staring at them and both just give me a thumbs up.

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