Chapter 26 - Lost in Translation

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One Month Later

Wanda POV

It had been a very long and draining month. Maria, Kate and I have been staying up long hours trying to find any leads on Y/N or Sharon. Natasha tries to help any time she can, but she has been helping the other Avengers on different missions taking down Hydra bases that we find. She helps me train when I get so overwhelmed, but I think the training is helping both of us release some anger. Unfortunately after the whole incident with Y/N, Yelena took it the hardest and left without any trace.

That night, I had been able find her fighting with Clint. Kate was knocked unconscious on the ground while Yelena was on the brink of killing Clint. I was quickly able to release her from Y/N's mind control. As soon as she had realized what she did she ran away. Nat said that she just needs time and she will come back when she is ready. 

I know Kate is suffering with not knowing where she is, but she takes her mind off of it with helping me and Maria. Kate has thankfully recovered with only a minor concussion but she would never blame Yelena or Y/N for what happened. Kate is really amazing and we both have been able to help each out during these hard times. She has become a really great friend for me. She tells me stories of how Y/N and Yelena didn't really get along at first because Yelena thought Y/N liked Kate. Kate also asks me about Pietro and what he was like. I appreciate how she has helped me open up more.

With the missions that the rest of team have went on, they have unfortunately not been able to recover any information on Y/N. We currently do not have any leads. I have tried over and over again to connect with Y/N but I cannot feel her. Her mind has been blocked from me. It may have to do with where she is. Maria and I continue trying to locate her with the satellites we have around the world.

Maria stepped out to grab some air, but I stayed to continue the search. I look through a ton of files we have of police reports in different countries to see if anything sticks out. Just then I see a police report that was just submitted to the authorities. Reports of a woman with abilities entering a lab. They say she just went through the walls, but that she did not take anything...This has to be her! I quickly look at the location of the report.




I am sitting in some sort of electric chair chained up in a Hydra base. Hydra has made sure to wipe my mind completely. I have slowly forgotten who I am and where I come from. I have lost track of time and the days have just blended together. They just finished another round of electrocution shocks on me and have injected me with a final dose of a serum that has elevated my powers and has also given me new abilities. I am really strong. They have turned me into their ultimate weapon. 

They know everything about me. They have been after me since they found out I came into contact with the stone, but they soon found out that the stone is inside me. They were trying to find a way to take it out but figured it would be much easier to mind control me. They have a device they use to have control of me at all times. I am awake in my mind and understand everything that Is going on around me, but my body does not react to me anymore. Only every once in a while, I am able to control my actions but that drains me and causes an extreme pain in my head.

It is not always bad. Some days they leave me to rest and when I close my eyes I can picture people in my head. There is one specific person that I see over and over again, but I don't know who she is. When I see her in my mind, I feel things that I cannot describe. I wish I remembered her.

The only person I know is Sharon. She keeps me company in my cell from time to time. With that I mean, I just sit there staring at a wall while she talks. She explained her story to me and what she was forced to do. From what I have come to understand, Sharon's mission was to find me and bring me back here. She told me she found me in a bar with other people, "my friends". I don't remember who they are but she explained that she had been tracking me for days before that encounter. She was able to inject me with Hydra's mind control chip the second time we met up. She didn't go into much detail, but she said she did fall for me and I did fall for her, before she even injected me with the chip. That is no longer the case. I don't feel any sort of emotions at all, for her or for anyone. It is not because what she did to me. I understand that it is not truly her fault, it is just more that I am unable to feel anything.

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