Chapter 6 - Powers

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I abruptly wake up. It's so bright and I realize I am in a medical room. As I continue looking around I see Maria slumped on a chair asleep. The last thing I can remember is me waiting for Nat and then this huge flash. Why can't I remember anything. I begin to feel a sort of tingle all over my body. This sensation is really odd and I just can't explain it. I take a deep breath to try and remain calm because I can feel myself getting overwhelmed.

I don't want to wake up Maria because she looks tired. I wonder how long I've been here. I see a file laying right next to Maria. I wonder if that is mine. I try to reach out to grab it, but I can't. I try again and all of a sudden a yellow aura comes out of my hand and goes toward the file to bring it to me.

"AHH! WHAT THE FUCK!" I shout as that file drops to the floor and the aura retracts back inside of me

Maria jumps from her seat with her weapon drawn out. She looks around the room then to me. I am just sitting there smiling at her nervously with my hands up.

"Y/N! You're awake! Are you ok?" Maria comes rushing to me putting away her weapon.

"Ria I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I say as I try to compose myself.

"Shhh Y/N its ok."

Nat comes running in, concerned written all over her face.

"Maria what happ-...YN! You're awake! Is everything ok? Are you in pain? I heard someone yelling"

"Yea Nat, Hi. Sorry I just woke up and got scared. I accidentally scared Ria"

Maria holding back tears hugs me. "Y/N please don't ever do that to me again. I am so glad you are awake! How are you feeling!?"

"Let me go get Bruce" Nat says as she smiles at me and leaves the room.

"Thank you Nat" says Maria

"Ria what happened, all I remember is waiting for Nat to download the data then nothing."

"Hey its ok Y/N. Let's not worry about that right now. We will wait for Bruce to check your vitals and make sure everything is ok"

Just then there is a knock on the door and we see Bruce standing there with Nat

"Hey Kid good to see you awake. I am just going to run some scans and take some blood for testing if that is ok with you."

"Hi Bruce, yea of course thank you."

"How are you feeling y/n? You gave us all quit a scare there" Bruce says as he begins his scans

"I think Im ok, but to be honest with you Bruce, I feel odd. I just can't really explain what I am feeling.

"Ok Y/N let's see what we can find then. Your vitals are coming out normal, so that's a good start. Let me just get your blood sample, so I can run some test with it. But is there anything you can describe as to what you're feeling" Bruce asks

"U-um well.." Just then I hear Maria saying "This is all my fault I should have fought harder to stop her from going"

"What? No, Ria this is not your fault. Please don't say that! I made this choice not you." I say as I turn to look at her.

Maria then gives me this puzzled face.

"Y/N Maria didn't say anything" Nat says while she steps in closer.

"N-No I didn't say anything, but that is exactly what I was thinking." Maria says as she looks at me then at Nat and Bruce

"Y/N can you look at me and see what I am thinking" Bruce asks

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