Chapter 13 - Finding Ultron

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Wanda POV

Are you sure it is a good idea to trust this robot Wanda" Pietro asks as we leave the church.

What other choice do we have Pietro. Our mission has always been to destroy Stark and his Avengers. Ultron was created from Stark's fear. Ultron will end Stark." I say trying to reassure Pietro.

"But he also wants us to kidnap the girl. The one you have the connection with...Will you be able to go through with that Wanda?" 

I stop and look at him annoyed "Pietro I will not let anyone stop me from completing our mission. We will destroy the avengers and no one will get in our way. Do you understand?"

"Yes, fine. Let's get going then, we have to get to that salvage yard" Pietro says as he lifts me and takes off running.



Tony explained Ultron to the team and lets just say there were not too happy about it. We realized that Jarvis was destroyed by Ultron. Maria and Nat looked a bit disappointed in me because I tried to defend Tony. They also figured out that I already knew about this and didn't tell them. There were both already in a bad mood with each due to their "disagreement", so I just made things worse for sure.

After everyone settled down a bit Maria and I started to see what we could find on Ultron whereabouts.

"We got it" I say as I get the teams attention. "He's all over the globe. Robotics labs, weapons facilities, jet propulsion labs. They all have reports of a metal man, or men, coming in and emptying the place."

"Have there been any fatalities?" Steve asks.

"Only when engaged. Mostly guys left in a fugue state going on about old memories, worst fears, and something too fast to see." Maria say while she turns to look at me with concern.

"Maximoffs. Well, that makes sense he'd go to them, they have someone in common." Steve says

"Not anymore" Maria says while showing us a photo of Strucker's dead body with the word PEACE written in blood on the wall next to him.

"We have to find out where they will be next and cut them off. Everyone is on research as of now. Lets pin point any know associates or just anyone that worked with Strucker." Steve says as Nat and Bruce jump on a computer.

"Mind if I come and sit next to you?" Carol asks pulling up a chair next to my work station.

"Not at all." I say scooting over to make room for her.

"What are you looking through right now?"

"Well I am trying to find what we have on Strucker... but...that's odd."

"What is it?" Carol ask leaning in closer to me to get a better view of my computer.

"There is nothing, nothing at all. Nat are you pulling anything for Strucker?"

"No, It looks like everything we had on Strucker has been erased" Nat says.

"Well...not everything" I say pointing to the file cabinet. "Care to lend a hand?" I ask looking at Carol. 

"It would be my pleasure" She says with a smile as we head over to the cabinet. We pull out some files and lay them across a table. "Yelena catch" I throw a file at her and she catches it without even looking.

"So anything specific I'm looking for?" Yelena asks as she start glossing over the file.

"I guess you'll know if you see it" Nat says as her and Bruce  head over to us and start looking through files together.

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