Chapter 34 - Here We Go. . .

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*CLICK* - I wake up as I hear an odd sound.

"You have your phone on loud Lena! You woke her up!" I hear Kate yell out in a whisper to Yelena. I look over at them and they both look at me with huge smiles on their face.

"What's going on?" I say as I try to quickly wake up my mind.

"Oh nothing, we just had to capture this cute moment of you two." Kate says as I stare at her confused. I try to move but feel the weight of another body on top of me. I look down and see Wanda wrapped up around me. The sight of her alone makes my heart flutter.

"Don't let them bother you Detka, let's sleep for another 5 minutes." I hear Wanda say without opening her eyes as she wraps her arms around me tighter.

I kiss the top of her head and also wrap my arms around her. "Yes my love." I feel Wanda smile against my chest.

"AAWWW!!" Yelena and Kate both says in unison. "Lena we did it! They are finally together! And it's because of our perfect plan last night!" Kate says as she kisses Yelena's cheek.

"Our plan worked perfectly! Now as much as I would love to let you two continue to cuddle, we need to get up and get ready. We leave in one hour, per orders from Rogers." Yelena says as she plants a kiss on Kate's head and gets up to walk to her bag.

I hear Wanda complain as she slowly starts to look up at me. "Good morning." She says as she gives me a small kiss. She is about to pull away but I stop her and roll on top of her so I can pin her down. "Don't tease me Y/N, because I will have my way with you right here, right now." I am left stunned as I just stare at her. I begin to feel my cheeks heat up. "I thought so." She says as she lifts her head to give me a little peck. She pauses and looks to the side then back at me. "Um, Y/N . . . Kate is staring at us..." Wanda whispers to me as she chuckles. I turn my head to look and see Kate sitting on the bed with her head resting on both her hands, as her arms rest on her knees. She has a big smile on her face.

"I just can't, you two are so stinking cute! I just love it!" Kate says excitedly.

I let out a laugh at look back at Wanda. I give her one last kiss as I get off of her and stand up. Then there is a knock on the door. Kate goes to open the door to reveal Sam and Bucky standing there with coffee and a bag.

"Good morning! Are ya'll finally up?" Sam asks as he passes the coffees to Kate.

"Good morning Sam, Bucky. Yes we are finally up and we should be ready soon. What's in the bag?" I ask as I walk up towards Bucky.

"We got some beagles. Hope you're hungry Y/N." He says as he gives me a big smile and hands me the bag.

"Starved! Thank you so much Bucky!" I say as I giving him a hug not really thinking much of it. I know him and I were never really close, but after the events that occurred I feel a bit connected with him. He also knows exactly what I went through with the whole mind control thing.

I turn around as I take a beagle out of the bag, so the I can hand over the rest, but I see Wanda right in front of me just staring at me as I turn. The look on her face is a bit difficult to decipher, but she looks a bit upset. I stare back at her a bit confused. She cups my face with her hand and brings my face towards hers to give me a very passionate kiss. She pulls back and then slowly leans forward to takes a bite of the beagle I am holding in my hand, all while maintaining eye contact with me. It was the hottest thing ever. I felt . . . things.

She leans back up and I see her glare back at Bucky. "Thanks for breakfast boys. We should be ready soon." Wanda then turns around and heads to the restroom leaving me there standing frozen by the door.

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