Chapter 29 - Ready to Comply

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I am in a black cap and casual jacket walking and scanning around in the streets of Bucharest. Across the street I spot a vender at a news-stand watching me. I look away quickly then look back at the vender who's still watching me. The vender seems to know who I am and runs from his kiosk. I go over and pick up the paper he was holding. On the front page there are surveillance photos of someone who looks like me and the head line has a name, "Yellow Sapphire". I guess that is me.

Zemo has had me follow him around as he continues to set up his plan. He has killed a couple of people while I just stand there and watch him, but he has not had me do anything. Even that bomb in Vienna, he set that up himself so I don't know why they have footage of me. All I know right now is what Zemo has instructed me to do. He wants me to get caught but he wants me to make a scene.

I enter the apartment that Zemo has had me stay in for the last couple of days.

"Do you know me?" I hear a voice say and I turn and stare at the man standing in front of me

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"Do you know me?" I hear a voice say and I turn and stare at the man standing in front of me.

"Captain America or Steve. Rumlow always talked about you. You are with the Avengers." I say as I study him trying to figure out if he is the part of the group that was sent to capture me.

"I know you're nervous and you have plenty of reason to be."

"I wasn't in Vienna. I didn't do that" I say as he touches his ear. I notice the earpiece so the rest of the team must be outside.

"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive." So the Avengers are not the ones who are suppose to bring me in. I need to find a way to escape him.

"That's smart. Good strategy." I say as I try to stall and hear people on the roof.

"This doesn't have end in a fight, Y/N."

"I don't know who Y/N is, but things with me always end in a fight." I prepare myself as I hear the team outside getting ready to come in.

"Y/N, Wanda is here for you. She misses you, we all do Y/N."

"I-I don't know who that is." I say as I feel emotions I can't explain with hearing the name Wanda.

"Yes, you do Y/N. I can see that you do."

Just then a grenade crashes through the window and I kick it towards Steve. He covers it with his shield as it explodes. The front door slams open and agents begin to swing in from the windows. I need to get out of this building fast. I create a shield around me and start walking towards the door as calm as ever. I know I can take everyone down so quickly, but Zemo demanded I make a scene. Shots are hitting my shield and I feel Steve throw his shield at me but it does not penetrate my forcefield. I fling agents out of my way so effortlessly with a hand motion as I make my way down the stairs. More and more agents begin to run up the stairs and I toss one of them over the railing and Steve catches him, stopping him from falling and possibly dying.

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