Chapter 24 - Dark Red

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I get to the compound and walk into the building with anger coursing through my body. "Friday where is Wanda?"

"She is outside by the lake. Ms. Hill you levels seem to elevated, should I call Mr. St-"

"No!" I walk back outside the compound and take off flying towards the lake. I see her walking and I continue to fly towards her at full speed. My mind feels so clouded. My anger is in full control and I cannot control myself. All I want to do is hurt her, make her feel my pain and suffering. 

I take her by surprise from behind and put her in a chokehold. I continue to squeeze her neck with my arm and I lift her up and we begin to fly straight up.

"Y/N w-what are ... y-you doing?" Wanda tries her best to speak as my arm continues to squeeze around her neck.

"Why did you do this to me Wanda? You turned me into a monster. I can't control these powers and they are consuming me. You did this to me and now even YOU want nothing to do with me! Why didn't you just kill me!"

"Y/N I'm so-rry . . . I'm sor..."

Wanda passes out from the lack of oxygen and our altitude. We are so high up that even I am having trouble breathing. I stop ascending and I let her go. I just float there and watch her body fall. Then it's like I just come back to my body. I become aware of what I just did. What the fuck is wrong with me?!

I take off towards Wanda's falling body. She is falling fast and I see the ground getting closer and closer. No no no no. . .With every fiber of my being I push my self one last time and catch her just within feet of hitting the ground. I land and gently place Wanda on the ground.

"Wanda! No please, please get up. I'm sorry, I'm soo sorry. Please Wan-..." I am cut off by a sharp pain and I feel myself flying backward forcefully.

I look up and see Vision. He lets me go and sends me flying across the yard. I take a hard fall and hit my head. I feel everything spin.

"Vision what ar... what ..." I try to get the words out but I feel everything start to go dark.

"I am sorry Y/N. You are currently a danger to us all. Please forgive me." That's all I hear before I pass out.

Wanda POV

I wake up slowly and take in my surroundings. I am in a medical room. What happened? One second I was taking a walk by the lake to clear my head, then the next. . .

Y/n. She...she attacked me. Why would she...oh. I remember. I grab at my neck and the pain is really bad. I don't think I can talk. I look around and see Vision looking at me.

"Hello Wanda, how are you feeling?"

I try to answer him, but nothing seems to come out.

"Oh my apologies. Dr. Banner says you may not be able to speak for a couple of days."

I just look at him and nod. "Vision, where is Y/N?" I ask in his mind.

"She is currently under observation in a cell." He responds out loud.

My eyes go wide. "Why do they have her in a cell?"

"Unfortunately she is currently deemed a threat to the team."

"She is not a threat Vision she just...she was just overwhelmed."

"She almost killed you Wanda. The team saw the footage from last nights incident. She will be under observation for a couple of days. Tony and Bruce are trying to understand what happened."

"Vision take me to her now."

"I am sorry Wanda. You being there could trigger her and we can not have that."

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