Chapter 18 - Battle of Sokovia

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"Nat!" I shout out to her and she gets up quickly.

"Y/N, oh I am so glad you're safe. Does Maria know?"

"Yea I saw Ria already. I promised her I would get you back to her. So lets get going yea?"

"The team's in the city, it's about to light up." Bruce says as he try to rush us.

"I don't suppose you found a key lying around somewhere? Oh and Y/N, who is that?" She says pointing at Vision who is behind me.

"Oh that is Vision. He is my "knight in shining armor", as Ria called him. Thor and I created him."

"Ooh ok. Sure. You and Thor? Had a baby? I thought you and Carol were... Um never mind... Congratulations."

I let out a laugh. "Thanks Nat, we are very happy. Visions lets see your abilities. Can you break the lock on the door."

"Yes Y/N" Vision says as he shoots out a yellow beam from his head aiming at the lock of the cell door.

The lock break off and Nat comes out looking surprised. "Nice, so what is that plan?"

"I'm here to get you to safety" Bruce says.

"WE! Are here to get to you safely" I say correcting Bruce while giving him a weird look. No way he is trying to flirt with Nat right now.

"Job's not finished, we have to go help the others" Nat says.

"Sounds good, let's go." I say getting ready to run out.

"We could help with the evacuation, but I can't be in a fight near civilians. And you've done plenty. Our fight is over." Bruce says looking at Nat reaching out for her hands.

"Ok Bruce, you're getting a little to close to Nat. Maria may not be here, but that does not mean you can make a move.

"Its ok Y/N" Nat says looking at me then back at Bruce.

The ground begins to shake."Whoa what is that?" I ask

"It seem the city of Sokovia is flying" Visions says.

"Ok guys we gotta go, Vision go get a head start with helping the others and locate Ultron. I will find you in a bit.

"Are you certain Y/N?"

"Yes, Vision go now! And make sure Wanda is ok please."

Nat give me a look. "A-And the rest of the team of course." I say clearing my throat and hiding a blush.

"Of course Y/N." Vision says as he fly out off the building.

"Whoa he can fly!? Wait can I fly? Wait never mind no time."

We start to feel more shaking. "We gotta move." Bruce says

"Duh! Let's go"

"You're not going to turn green?" Nat asks

"I've got a compelling reason not to lose my cool." Bruce says as he stares very intimately into Nat's eyes.

"Hey! Bruce, this is your last warni-..." I try to say when Nat cuts me off.

"Y/N stop. Bruce I adore you, but..." Nat says as she kisses Bruces check and then pushes him off the edge where we were standing. Bruce begins to fall a long way down.

"Nat! What did you just do?"

"I need the other guy."

Out from the hole, the Hulk jumps up in front of us.

"I like you more anyways Hulk. Let's finish the job." I say as Hulk gives me a small smile. He then grabs us both and puts us on his back, and quickly jumps through the building to get us out of there. Nat is yelling the entire time and I can't stop laughing.

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