Chapter 4 - Change of Plans

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I arrive at the jet with 15 min to spare, but find Nat and Maria already there just talking. They see me and both get up to walk towards me.

"So Y/N, how are you feeling? It is not too late to change your mind if you feel like you are not ready. Maria could just come with us"  Nat asks genuinely concerned about me.

"I know you would prefer Ria, Nat..." I say jokingly to try and ease the tension , " but I feel pretty good and ready. I was able to do a quick workout to get rid of some of the nerves."

"Well, ok then Y/N. Let's go over the mission really quick. I will be flying to our destination and Yelena will be co-pilot. You will be monitoring the computers to make sure there are no changes in the base as we get closer. When we are about 30 minutes out from the base, I want you to go over the objectives and mission plan with the team. Even though we know our mission, it is always good to just go through it one last time to make sure we are on the same page. Does that sound good?" Nat asks

"Yup, got it Nat. I have everything ready in my mission files and will go to my seat next to the computer to sign in." I say

"Ok, let me just go rush Yelena and Kate so we can get going" Nat says as she turns to leave.

Maria turns to me and gives me a big bear hug

"Y/N please be careful, follow what Nat says and don't do anything stupid please. I want you back ASAP!"

I just smile at Maria "Of course Ria, nothing stupid and be back asap, got it!"

Just then I hear Kate shout my name as she comes charging at me to give me a hug. I catch her and keep my balance so we both don't fall.

"Oh my gosh Y/N, are you ready to kick some ass!?!" Kate says while Yelena shakes her head.

"Must you always hug Y/N so hard, that you almost knock her down Kate? This happens every time" Yelena says in a jealous tone while I try to hold in my laugh.

"Its ok Yelena, I know you want to give me a hug too" I say as I head over to her and give her a tight squeeze.

"You two are so childish!" Yelena says removing herself from my hug and walking into the jet. 

"And to answer your question Kate, NO! Y/N will not be kicking any ass. She will remain on the jet and wait for the data transfer with Nat. Although she is there for backup, you will not be needing her, right Nat!?" Maria says sternly

We all just turn and look at Nat while a blush begins to rise on her cheeks

Nat clears her throat, "I-I will do everything in my power to keep Y/N safe Maria, don't worry."

Maria just sighs and give me one last hug

"It will all be ok Ria! Now get going so we can take off and we can be back asap!"

"Ok, Ok im leaving - wait where is the mission located Y/N?" Maria asks

"Sokovia, why?" I ask

"No, nothing just testing you to making sure you know your information" Maria says smiling at me.

Everyone just giggles

"Bye Ria" I say rolling my eyes and shaking my head

"Bye Y/N, Bye everyone be safe. And remember what we talked about Nat!" Maria says, giving a stern look to Nat

"Yup... got it... Bye now Maria!" Nat says shooing her away

And with that we are off to Sokovia - everything will be fine . . .


During the flight, I had some time to talk to Kate and she told me that she felt Yelena didn't have feelings for her. I tried to convince her that she should keep trying because there was defiantly something there. Kate just shrugged and laid her head on my shoulder. And of course, I look up and catch Yelena staring daggers at me. I tried to give her a smile, but she just turned around and ignored me. "What am I going to do with these two" I said below my breath

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