Chapter 40 - Late Night Talking

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Maria POV

After Nakia showed me where my room would be I went back to the dinning area to look for Nat, but she was not there.

"She went to take some food to Y/N. How is she doing?" Steve says as he walks up to me.

"Thanks Steve. She is doing great thankfully. She seems to be herself again. She is just dealing with not being able to talk. Shuri said it's a possible side effect of the producer."

"Y/N is awake? Why didn't we get to know?" Kate says as she comes rushing in with Yelena.

"Is she ok? Can we visit her?" Yelena then asks.

"Yea the procedure came out really good. I was just telling Steve that for some reason though she is unable to talk, but that is only thing. She seems to have all her memories back. So Shuri let her go to rest in a room with Wanda. She will take care of her for the night." Right away the two start to giggle.

"Yea I bet she will take care of her." Kate says with a smirk. I quickly stare at Kate. "I know Wanda will really take good care of her. There is no one better." She quickly looks away as she tries to contain her laughter. 

"Y/N is up?" Bucky comes to join the conversation.

"Yea she is ..."I say as I look at him with glaring eyes. I don't have a problem with him, but I don't like the fact that he is trying to chase my sister. "Bucky what is it with you having a thing for my sister. You know she is in love with Wanda right? And I happened to know that you um, are not really her type." 

"I-I um...I just feel something for her and I can't help it. I know she feels something more for Wanda, but I can't help to at least try."

"Dude just leave it alone. It's obvious that Y/N and Wanda are meant to be. You are just going to end up hurting yourself Bucky." Kate says

"Well I am sure Witchy will hurt him also." Yelena says and I can't help but let out a small laugh.

"Buck as much as I would like to see you happy, I don't think you have a chance my friend. I know there is someone out there for you, but it is not Y/N." Steve says as he pats his shoulder trying to comfort his friend.

"Bucky I think right now you should focus on yourself. I don't know how they plan to help you here, but I know it probably won't be easy. You need to heal, for yourself." I say hoping I get through to him, because I know if he does continue chasing my sister, Wanda will not tolerate it for long.

"Yea . . . I'll see you all later." Bucky quickly turns and leaves the group. Steve turns to watch him leave and Kate, Yelena and I just look at each other not really sure what to think about his reaction. 

"Well, while I have some of you here, let me share that most of us will leave tomorrow. Tony was able to get in contact with King T'Challa. The United Nations have annulled the Accords. Evidence was presented to them by T'Challa, Tony and Sharon against Ross. They saw how Ross had alternative motives and tried to take control of Y/N without approval of the council." Steve explains to us all.

"Whoa, they did that?" Kate asks as we are all in shock.

"Wait, what about the breakout?" I ask.

"Well it didn't look good, but they were able to spin it showing the bad conditions they had Y/N and Wanda in. Plus they obtained the footage of them doing tests on Y/N without authorization. So they see it as us saving them from torture. All in all, we got lucky with this. Unfortunately, but understandably, Tony is still upset with me and Bucky so we will not be going back, but it safe for you all." Steve says with a small smile.

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