Chapter 5 - The Mission

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As we exit the jet, I follow Nat to our position. We immediately begin to hear shooting and shouting towards that direction that Yelena and Kate headed towards, so we rush to enter base hoping the agents in the lower level cleared out. As we reach the lower level there are no agents around, so we push to the computer room and Nat starts to connect the usb and link the data.

"Y/N stay close and keep your eyes open. This transfer should take about 3 minutes and then we will push to the next room." Nat says while typing on the computer.

"Got it" I say to Nat while gripping my weapon and keeping watch.

As I begin to look around, I see a bright object in the next room.

"Nat I think I see the Scepter. There is a very shinny blue light coming from that room." I say while Nat takes a quick look.

"I think you're right Y/N. Almost done here, then well head in there." Nat says, but for some reason I can't really hear her anymore.

All of a sudden this strong urge just takes over me to walk into that room. I can't seem to understand what is going on with me, but I need to get to that room. I start walking to the door and I think I can hear Nat yell at me but I can't make it out. Now all I have is a tunnel vision to the Scepter. I open the door and continue to walk towards it. 

As I get right in front of it, the object then begins to float and there is this rock that detaches itself from the Scepter. I am so mesmerized by it. Then in my head I just hear "Touch it". I have no idea where this voice is coming from, but as I reach out a burst yellow begins to emit from the stone. It's so bright. Again in my mind I hear "Touch it", so I start to go for it and I touch it. Then I see and feel the energy emitting from this stone rush through me. 

 A burst of images just appear in my mind and at the end I see an image of a woman floating. She is wearing some sort of crown, but I cannot see her face. She begins to reach out to me and I try to reach out hear and then another burst of energy runs through me and everything goes black.


I am here waiting for this data transfer to complete when I see YN start walking to the door heading towards the Scepter. I yell out telling Y/N to stop and not continue without me, but she won't listening to me. I then see what looks to like a red mist surrounding Y/N. I try to follow the source of the where the red mist is coming from, but it just leads to a dark corner and I cannot see anyone there. 

I begin running towards Y/N, but I suddenly get thrown back into wall. I groan as I try to get up. Through comms I yell that I need backup in lower levels asap. I have no idea what is going on, but something has Y/N under their mind control. Kate replies saying they are on their way. I run again towards Y/N because now she is right in front of the Scepter. 

As I am about to reach her there is a burst of energy from the Scepter and a stone appears from it. I see Y/N going to touch it and I am trying to get to her, but again a red mist stops me from walking any further. I look and I am able to see what looks like a girl in the corner, but as I was about verify a huge flash appears from the stone and Y/N falls to the floor. I look to the corner to see if the girl was there, but she is gone so I run to Y/N and pick her up.

Just then Yelena and Kate arrive and see me carrying Y/N. They understand we need to leave quickly so they inform me all agents are down and we can just go out the main entrance to get to the jet faster. I nod and we take off.

I turn to make sure Yelena is right behind me as Kate is leading the way out. I don't see Yelena and I begin to panic. "Yelena!" I shout as I hear what sounds like a fall. Then I see Yelena appear and yells to just keep going.

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