Chapter 27 - The Accords

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Wanda POV

News Anchor: "11 Wakandans were among those killed during a confrontation between the Avengers and a group of mercenaries in Lagos, Nigeria, last week. The traditionally reclusive Wakandans were on an outreach mission in Lagos when the attack occurred."

King T'Chaka: "Our people's blood is spilled on foreign soil. Not only because of the actions of criminals, but by the indifference of those pledged to stop them. Victory at the expense of the innocent, is no victory at all."

News Anchor: "The Wakanda king went on to says that the Avengers are operating outside and above the international law. Because that's the reality, if we don't respond to acts like these. What legal authority does an enhanced individual like Wanda Maximoff have to operate..."

I turn and see Maria walking in and placing down my tv remote down after she turns the tv off.

"It's my fault."

"That's not true, Wanda."

"Turn the TV back on. They're being very specific."

"Steve should've clocked that bomb vest long before, but even then, this is no one's fault but Hydra."

"Maria, Rumlow tortured Y/N . . . they have her.  I went into his mind and saw everything. I saw her in so much pain and I lost control . . . and people died. To make it worse, this was all for nothing. I saw all that in Rumlow's mind and I still don't know where she is. This is all my fault."

"Wanda, this job . . . we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody. But if we can't find a way to live with that, next time . . . maybe nobody gets saved. I have faith in you Wanda. Both You and Y/N will be dealing with a lot of negativity because you both have abilities. All your wins and sacrifices will often get overlooked, while the one mistake you make gets put through a magnifying glass."

Vision phases through my wall and Maria and I turn to look at Vision.

"Vis! We talked about this so many times already." I say to him a bit annoyed.

"Yes, but the door was open so I just continue to assumed that . . .um" He says pointing at the door. "Ms. Hill wished to know when Mr. Stark was arriving."

"Yes, thank you Vision. We'll be right down." Maria says.

"Of course, I'll . . . use the door. Oh, and apparently, he's brought a guest."

"We know who it is?" Maria asks.

"The Secretary of State . . . and Ms. Sharon Carter" Vision says as he walks out.

Maria and I give each other a confused look before quickly heading down stairs.


We enter the meeting room and an immense feeling of anger begins to run through me as I stare at Sharon. She is standing behind Stark and The Secretary. Stark looks ready to defend her as he already knows what is about to happen. My eyes being to glow red.

"Whoa, Wanda, cool it Witchy! She is not under her mind control right now and she will help us locate Y/N. Calm down."

"Don't call me that Stark. Now move before I make you move."

"Ok sorry, Wanda you need to calm down, please. I understand what you feel please let's not make a scene." Stark says as he inches closer to me with his blaster in hand pointed towards me.

Maria and Nat both come and stand next to me to calm me down.

"C'mon Wanda, Let's hear what they have to say" Maria says as she starts pulling me back.

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