Chapter 20 - In Limbo

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*Two Months Later*

"Y/N what is going on? It is like you are not even trying. You were not this bad when you didn't have your powers." Nat says she she has me pinned to the mat. I am struggling to free myself from her hold and I feel my emotions getting out of control with every word that Nat says to me. I lift Nat with my powers and dangle her in the air while I get up. My anger continues to run through me as I throw Nat against the wall.

Thankfully she never made it. Red wisps catch her before she ever hit it and set her down softly. Wanda just turns to look at me and then walks away.

"Thank you Wanda!" Nat shouts over at her. Wanda just turns and nods at Nat and exits the gym.

"Well at least you didn't kill me." Nat says jokingly to ease the tension.

"I told you this was not a good idea Nat. That is why I stopped training with Yelena and Kate. I only train with Vision and or Thor when they are around."

"Well they are going to gone for a while Y/N. You can't just not train. And why haven't you fixed things with Wanda yet?"

"Don't you think I've tried Nat. She just wants nothing to do with me as I kept pushing to fix things. I just decided to respect her and leave her alone." I say as I feel my emotions begin to build up again.

"Ok Y/N. I am sorry for bringing it up. Go get cleaned up. That's it for today." Nat says and I just walk away.

I really have tried to fix things with Wanda, but I can't even get close enough to her. It really has been eating me up inside. I also can't let go of this guilt I have over Pietro. I am starting to believe that Wanda hates me for not saving her brother and I don't blame her.

We had a ceremony for Pietro a couple of days after the incident and that was the last time Wanda wanted to be next to me. I don't know if she actually wanted me or just someone to console her that day. It was a beautiful ceremony nonetheless and he is buried in a cemetery about 5 minutes away from the compound. Wanda spends most of her days there. Most days I follow her and just watch from a distance. A bit creepy I know, but it makes me feel at ease just watching her. My urge to be next to her is almost unbearable and the fact that she keeps pushing me away is driving me insane.

Vision has mastered his abilities and that annoyed the hell out of me. Here I am trying everyday to master my abilities and he just learns everything within a week. Vision has really been there for me though and I don't hold anything against him. My emotions have been all over the place and I just feel like I am going backwards with my progress.

Vision has helped assess these instabilities and has spoken with Tony and Bruce. They have done a lot of brain exams on me as well as the rest of my body. We have come to understand that the stone is inside my heart and it has a direct connection to my brain. So this has caused my emotions to intensify, thus why the stone seems to react with my emotions.

Although I finally accepted the offer of becoming an avenger, I have not been on any mission because Steve and Tony don't want to put anyone at risk, including myself. The bracelet was doing a pretty good job at absorbing any excess energy from me, but now my powers have become much more powerful. I have probably destroyed about 15 bracelets now. It literally just dissolves off of my hand when it cannot contain the power any longer. Tony keeps tinkering around with making a better one every time, but so far it's been unsuccessful.

Nat and Maria have moved in together in our house, because I now live here at the compound. I am so happy for both of them, although I haven't seen Maria in a while. She has been pretty busy. Kate, Yelena and I have gotten a lot closer thankfully. Without them who knows what would be of me right now. They also have started dating ...finally. There is no label on them yet, but Yelena wants to ask Kate to be her girlfriend soon.

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