Chapter 9 - Company

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Wanda POV

Pietro and I came back down to the city after the Avengers left Sokovia. They took the scepter and they took Strucker.  The Avengers of course left destruction all around the city, so Pietro and I have been helping around town with whatever we can.  We try our best to get food and clothes for our people. We are currently sleeping inside an abandoned home.

"Pietro wake up!"

"What is it Wanda are you ok?" Pietro says as he quickly get up from bed, ready to fight.

"No, I mean yes I am ok, but I don't know what is happening. I feel that strong connection again with the girl. She is in pain and I can feel her power. I think its the stone."

"Ahhhh!" I let out a yell as I grab my head in pain

"Wanda what is it, what is going on" Pietro asks tying his best to console me

"Pietro I am not sure. I feel so much pain in my head. I think it is her pain." I say grabbing my head. "It won't stop. I think I should try to communicate with her."

"Wanda I don't think that is a good idea. She is an avenger."

"I know Pietro but - ahhh! - this pain is really bad. I don't know what's going on with her."

I try to make a connect with her, but the pain is just too much for to concentrate.

"I can't do it Pietro, this is too painful."

Then just like that it stops.

"It's over" I tell Pietro while I try to catch my breath.

"I am sorry you are going through this Wanda. What do you want to do?"

"I am not sure Pietro. I don't know what this connection is, but since the first moment I saw this girl, something about her just drew me in. I cannot explain it. I can't seem to just shake her off." I say finally feeling myself getting back to normal.

"Don't tell me you have fallen in love with an avenger Wanda. That would be bad and would possible get us killed."

"Shut up Pietro, of course I am not in love with that girl."

Pietro just giggles "it would not be the first girl you have a crush on. I am not judging you Wanda, but still it would not be a good idea."

"Stop Pietro. Please be serious. Maybe I just have to kill her to get rid of this connection."

"Harsh, but maybe. But for now just get some rest Wanda."

I lay back down and try to get rid of the image of this girl out of my head. Why can't I just forget about her. Why is there a connection. I mean she is really pretty, but this could never be. Our mission is to destroy the avengers and anyone that helps them. I cannot get attached.

"Who are you and what have you done to me." I think to myself as I begin to close my eyes

"Huh?! Who are YOU and why are you in my head" I hear in my thoughts

My eyes shoot open and I become very nervous. I know its her. Do I respond? Get it together Wanda.

"You are in my head, who are you?" I reply.

"U-um I don't know if I feel comfortable answering to you, so you answer first." She replies

"And you think I will tell you anything? Get out of my head!"

"Are y-you u-um Wanda Maximoff?" She asks and I begin to feel my stomach flutter. My names sounds nice coming out of her mouth. I realize she may hear these thoughts so I need to stop.

"Why should I tell you anything. You are an Avenger!" I say angrily

"So I'm assuming you are then. I am not an Avenger. My name is Y/N. Can you tell me what is going on and why you are in my head talking to me."

Y/N, finally a name to the face and so beautiful... Can I not control myself!

I take a deep breath before responding. "But you help them so that makes you my enemy. And you are in my head so stop accusing me and leave me alone"

"Wait, are you talking to me all the way from Sokovia, while I am across the world? How is this happening?" She asks

"I am not telling you where I am."

"Well tell me something. Or do you just want to keep each other company in our minds. I am not the bad guy Wanda. And I don't think you are either."

"You know nothing about me. You are my enemy and you are currently being a nuisance in my life. What you are doing to cause you pain needs to stop because I can feel your pain. If I need to kill you to end this annoying connection then I will" I say trying to sound intimidating.

"Wanda I can feel you. I know you are not a bad person, but you are caught up with bad people. We are just trying to make the world safer. I also am not trying to have a connection with you. Its this stone. This stone that YOU made me touch as a matter of fact. So all this is actually your fault."

"You have to be kidding me. This is not my fault. I didn't do anything. This is your fault for touching the stone." I say as I scoff. Although she may be right, I will not give her the satisfaction.

"Wanda you literally mind controlled me to touch the stone. How can this NOT be your fault. Look I have a connection with you and I don't know why. But I will figure it out. I just need you."

"You need me?" I ask with a smirk as I feel the butterflies in my stomach.

"No not mean I guess yes... I do need you to turn yourself in so we can figure this out."

"Wow you really think I am that dumb. Goodbye Y/N!" I say as I end the connection. 

I guess I could have ended it a while ago, but now I have more information. That's it. I need to talk to her for information, so I could figure out what is going on. It's not like I was enjoying speaking to her. NOPE.

UGH! Y/n you are so frustrating. Is this my fault? I still don't know why I made her touch the stone. It was just a feeling that took over me as I saw her. I cannot deny there is something about her that intrigues me. Y/N. Such a beautiful name. UGHH! I shout in my pillow! Stop this Wanda!

"Wanda go to sleep!" I hear Pietro.

Sorry, good night Pietro!. .... Good night Y/N. It was nice to finally get to talk to you. I say below my breath as I begin to fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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