Shiva's Gotra

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"Why couldn't you just dress up like all other ordinary mortals do? Why'd you have to wear this tiger skin, smear ash on your arms, even on this auspicious day? Atleast for once, you could have forbidden."

Parvati spoke with a touch of resentment in her voice; clearly infuriated.

She looked away at some distance, and started walking towards the balcony. Her head now faced down, and Shiva immediately knew that His beloved Shakti was crying; maybe out of helplessness, or maybe out of disappointment, or maybe out of love as well.

Parvati lashed out at Him, "You always have to do this? You always have to do the extraordinary? Why can't we get married like normal people do? Why so much inconvenience had to happen on our wedding day? Do you realize that if My mother doesn't wake up in full consciousness soon, it may affect our wedding?"

As Parvati spoke without making eye contact, Shiva could see through the corner of His eyes that Parvati was indeed upset. She was only looking away to hide her tears. But as She looked away, tears of fury ran down her cheeks.

But all Shiva did was smile. He stood still, calm and patient, and observed.

Nandi came up and tried to calm down the Goddess in distress.

"But, Mother, that's the way we are! That's the way our Lord is! It's His real form, His real identity. He doesn't need any description. And you being His consort, will know this better than all of us."

Parvati wiped the tears from Her cheeks, and spoke in a calmer and subtle voice.

"Nandi, don't call me Mother so soon. I'm not married to your Lord yet; and if this continues, then I don't know what will actually happen."

"Mother! Don't say that! You're indeed our Mother; you're the Mother of the Universe. You're the soul of our Lord! Please don't be upset Mother!"

Parvati turned around to face Nandi, and lifted Her head.

"Then find a solution to this problem, as soon as possible." She spoke, and immediately barged out of the room, in anger.

Nandi looked at Shiva, trying to read what His Lord's expressions were telling him.

But Shiva's face was expressionless, except for a calm and serene smile, which lit up His beautiful face, making it glow. It wasn't any ordinary glow; it was the glow of Love, immortal Love.

Nandi looked helpless, and with a sense of worry, He spoke, " My Lord, how should I convince Mother Parvati, that you're not any ordinary mortal, you're the God of the Gods. You're qualities can never be measured by finite words or adjectives. Your powers are too infinite to be even counted. Your glories are too miraculous to even be proved. My Lord, how do I ..."

Seeing His beloved devotee in distress, Shiva rested His hand on Nandi's shoulder. He finally spoke His first words in that room, amidst the deafening silence.

"Nandi, you must not worry at all. Parvati knows My nature, and She understands it as well, for She is My consort. But Her Mother, Queen Menavati, may not be able to comprehend Me at the same level as Parvati does. Queen Menavati is My devotee, who has heard tales and stories, but hasn't visualised Me. It was Her first meeting with Me; She ought to get scared."

A surprised Nandi looked up and spoke, with a smile replacing the previous frown on his face.

"My Lord, does that mean that You knew about this incident, and You did this on purpose?"

Shiva, the Controller of Time, the One who masters the Past, Present and the Future, looked with glistening eyes at His devotee.

"Nandi, ofcourse I knew about this. But I couldn't change the turn of events, for I had to maintain the dignity of Rishi Durvasa's curse. Going against His words, would be disrespectful. And even though I am a God, I'm cannot go against the Laws of Nature."

Nandi had tears of joy in His eyes, and He knelt down in front of His Lord.

With folded hands, He spoke, "My Lord! All glories to You! You're definitely extraordinary; I don't have words to describe Your mercy! You're truly amazing, My Lord!"


"My Lord, kindly let us know your Gotra and Kul, so that we may proceed with the wedding rituals and ceremonies

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"My Lord, kindly let us know your Gotra and Kul, so that we may proceed with the wedding rituals and ceremonies."

Shiva, looked up, all dressed up royally, in a beautiful angavastram, and a turban, and soft silk dhoti, with jewels which adorned His graceful body.

He smiled at King Himavan, but didn't utter a word.

Rishi Narad, paced in to speak on behalf of Shiva.

"Oh, King of the Himalayas, Lord Shiva is infinite, and no words, no clan, no dynasty can describe Him. For He doesn't belong to a specific Gotra or Kul, but that all Kula and Gotras belong to Him."

Queen Menavati, now all well and healthy, looked at Her husband, expecting some clear answers.

Narad continued to speak in and fill the gaps, "Lord Shiva can't be different from Naad, and hence His Gotra is Naad; the celestial sound of Om. Om signifies mindfulness and spiritual upliftment. Om Namah Shivaye!"

Where there is Shiva, there is Truth.

Where there is Truth, there is Love.

Where there is Love, there is Beauty.

Satyam Shivam Sundaram

And having said that, the wedding ceremonies were completed beautifully, and Shiva and Shakti were finally married, according to societal rituals.

Shiva took care of Parvati's every need; from bringing back Her mother to consciousness, to giving up His attire of a hermit. From even accepting the wedding rituals, to assigning Himself a Gotra. From agreeing to shift to Kashi, instead of Kailash so that Parvati doesn't face difficulty, to letting Parvati enjoy and get happiness through all little things.

Things we do for love; we need not define them. We need not prove our love for someone, but it's our activities which are performed with love, that makes our life blissful.

 We need not prove our love for someone, but it's our activities which are performed with love, that makes our life blissful

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।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।। 
।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।। 

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