The Shamshaan

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It was time for lunch. Parvati had put in Her heart and soul to cook a special meal today. She was more elated than usual and She could feel the magic in the air.

She had prepared His favourite sweet and was really excited to see His reaction. How much He loved kheer and especially when She cooked it for Him!

She remembered the first time She fed Him with Her hands and reintroduced Him to the ways of the world.

She had brought Him out of His recluse and He had brought Her back to Her identity. They complemented each other and even helped each other in growth and enlightenment.

Although they were omniscient, yet they engaged in different Leelas just to teach everyone about their primordial existence in everything.

And today was one of those again, when the world was going to know the importance of transformation.

Parvati was lost in Her thoughts. She went with Her pot of kheer to the dining hall. The aroma was so intoxicating that immediately all the residents of Kailash assembled for lunch.

But Shiva was nowhere to be seen.

"Nandi, where is Your Lord? Have You not told Him about lunch?"

Nandi nodded His head. "Yes Mother! He said He would join us all soon. He was practising meditation near the Shamshan."

Parvati was assured and She started serving food to everyone.

But after many moments of waiting when Shiva didn't return, She decided to visit Him Herself and bring Him for lunch.


"Who meditates at the Shamshaan? Everyone burns dead bodies there but He says that He feels the most alive at the Shamshaan

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"Who meditates at the Shamshaan? Everyone burns dead bodies there but He says that He feels the most alive at the Shamshaan." Parvati was perplexed with Her Husband's choices.

True to His name, Shiva was the auspicious one. He brought auspiciousness and prosperity wherever He went.

But everything about His attire seemed inauspicious to the ignorant who only viewed Him as a celestial being and not more than that.

A garland of snakes, tiger skin as garments, ashes smeared over His body, with Rudraksha beads. No gold, no jewellery, no precious robes, nothing similar to what the other Gods wore.

Yet, there is more than what the eye can see. Everything holds a significance for Shiva. His garland of snakes depicts that He is the controller of the past, present and future.

His tiger skin shows His fearlessness and courage. Because beyond fear lies freedom. And when one is truly free and detached, can he arise to his pure divinity.

He smeared ashes as a sign of death and ending. Anyone who is rich or poor, greater or lesser, is ultimately reduced to the same ashes.

The Rudraksha beads are a symbol of rebirth, growth and regeneration. Because seeds never dry out and after every cycle of destruction, arises creation.

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