The Breaking Of The Second Promise

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Shiva was seated near the banks of the Mansarovar Lake. It seemed like He was waiting for Sati to return for a long while.

Sati approached Him like the usual days and sat beside Him. She held His hand and placed Her head on His shoulder.

But He really gave Her a cold shoulder and moved away. She was shocked at this sudden change in Her behaviour. He had never received Her so indifferently or reacted this way.

He was always so full of love, care and support towards Her. And this could only mean that He may have been disappointed or angry. Sati knew that it was just the calm before the storm.

"Swami, what is the matter? Are you angry at Me?"

Shiva stood up and faced towards the Lake. Without making eye contact, He said, "No Sati. I can never be angry with You. I love You and I cherish You. But yes, I am a bit disappointed in You."

Teardrops started to flow out of Her eyes when She heard the statement. She tried to follow Him and reason with Him. She wanted to feel close to Him again and not disappoint Him or be the reason behind His sadness.

She clinged onto His arm and wept. "Swami, I have not done anything with any wrong intention. Please don't abandon Me. Please don't give Me such a harsh punishment. Give me another chance to rectify My mistakes."

He was the Lord of Time and of course nothing was hidden from Him. How could Sati forget this absolute truth?

"No Sati, I won't abandon You. Sati could be disguised as Sita, but for Me, You're always My Sati. And I will always love You. But You shoul have trusted My answers and followed My advice."

She felt embarrassed knowing that He found out about the previous events. She fell to His feet and apologised.

"Swami, I am sorry. I will not do anything like this again."

Shiva lifted Her up and hugged Her to calm Her down. He knew that She was innocent and didn't intend to do wrong. It was just Her curiosity to learn more which led Her to disguise Herself as Sita and seek Rama.

"Sati, You need not apologise. What had to happen, did happen. But this event has set forth a cascade of events which neither of You can change now. And I am afraid that its consequences won't be very pleasing."

She was even more scared on hearing that. She started to shiver and tried Her best to fight back Her tears.

"Swami, is this going to bring pain or sorrow? Is it going to be bad for Us? Please I don't want anything bad to happen to Us. I cannot take it anymore."

Shiva looked away. He appeared distant now. But He had to tell Her the truth without sugarcoating, no matter how painful it sounded. He didn't want to hide anything from Her or keep Her in the dark about the future.

"Sati, I cannot guarantee that something won't happen when it's already destined. And sorrow began for Us the moment You broke Your promises made to Me."

She was so overwhelmed by overthinking that She had completely forgotten about the promises. It then occurred to Her that Shiva was not upset only because of Her doubt towards His Lord; but also because She had broken the promises She made to Him.

"Please forgive Me Swami. I acted in a fit of impulse and rage. I had no intention of hurting You or tarnishing Our mutual trust."

Shiva sighed. "Sati, nothing can tarnish Our pure bond. But Divinity manifests only when all doubts are dispelled. You broke the first promise when you didn't tell Me the truth about Your disguise as Sita. And You're breaking the second promise now by hiding everything from Me."

He turned and left.


"What? And father hasn't invited Us? But how could He do this? I'm His darling daughter and He loves Me the most…"

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"What? And father hasn't invited Us? But how could He do this? I'm His darling daughter and He loves Me the most…"

Sati shook Her head in disbelief.

"I'm sorry Mata. But King Daksha hasn't invited only Us. He has invited the rest of the entire world and all Gods, Goddesses, Devotees, Yakshas, Gandharvas and everyone else."

She started to cry. "But Nandi, how could He forget Us? Maybe I slipped out of His mind because I haven't met Him since so long. Then I must meet Him and let Him know that I am doing fine. I will also assure Him that it's okay if He forgot Me. A daughter doesn't need an invite to go to Her father's home."

Nandi bowed His head and said, "No, Mata, My Lord has said that it's not good to go there if we are uninvited. He refused to come. And You should also not go in such circumstances. I have heard that King Daksha is still angry at My Lord for some differences and reasons."

However, the stubborn Sati wasn't going to be convinced so soon. No, not yet.

।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।। ।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।।
।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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