Food For Soul

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As She lifted the lid of the vessel, the aroma of cardamom filled the air. She gave it a last final stir and got ready to serve it on the banana plates. 

"Nandi! Come and help me with the plates. Please start serving everyone…"

Hearing no response, She got curious. But soon Her worry was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. She turned around to see that Nandi was already seated and had taken up His place for lunch.

She laughed at His innocence.

"What is it, Nandi? The grumbling sound of your belly can be heard miles away."

The sweet, innocent, naive devotee of ShivaShakti, quietly lifted up His head. He seemed a bit scared because He may just get another scolding from His Mother. He was a bit inexperienced and often came out as a messy co-helper in the kitchen. But He was trying His best to learn.

"Mother, I am sorry but I couldn't keep myself away from the aroma of the kheer you've prepared. And I feel famished after working so hard since the morning. I really need some food and nutrition so that I can continue up and down guarding these tough slopes of Kailash. Mother, please forgive me…"

Parvati served kheer on a plate and gently placed it in front of Him. And as soon as She got up to return to the cooking vessel, the plate was empty and the contents were devoured.

"Mother, can I get some more?"

There was hardly anything else in the world that gave Her more joy than someone being fond of Her food. Yes, there was something else too which She eagerly anticipated and wanted to hear. Something that would give Her a little more joy.

"Nandi, how I wish that your Lord too would appreciate my cooking and eat food so fondly. I am so eagerly waiting for that day when I can hear Him praise my food!"

Nandi looked up at His Mother. Her face was lit up like a moonlit sky, just at the mention of Her Lord. He knew that She loved Him more than anyone else and even a small word of praise from Him meant the world to Her. Although He didn't speak much but tried His best to express His Love, She just wanted that reassurance one more time. 

Her dark eyes shone and reflected in the light. They seemed moist, full of reverence and adoration. She quickly blinked to get rid of the tears. Looking away, She poured some more kheer onto the plate.

"Mother, Baba may not be expressive but He has always appreciated all your little efforts. You make us all so comfortable here at Kailash. You've brought warmth to these icy mountains. From a snow peak, You've transformed it into our home.

He was trying His best to reassure Her. She seemed distressed and almost on the verge of tears.

"Maa, you've always kept us all so happy. Even today morning, Baba was praising you in front of all the Ganas and He said…"

"Oh Nandi, that's enough. I know you're lying just to keep my heart from breaking. I know your Lord doesn't have enough time to think about Me, forget about praising Me. All He does is sit in meditation or visit His devotees. But He doesn't even have a few seconds to come and taste food cooked by Me. See, it's time for lunch and He hasn't arrived yet."

Parvati got up and went running inside to Her chambers. Her chambers were Her safe haven where She could retire for Her inner peace and spend a few minutes away with Herself.

The chambers were beautiful and made of pieces of ice which shone like crystals and glass. Sunlight beamed in from the rooftop through a small opening, covered by soft grass and creepers. Vines of different kinds decorated the walls. Flowers of all shapes and colours were beautifully threaded and hung at different corners. The floor was covered with velvety grass which was soft like a cushion. One could sleep on it and gently get lost in blissful sleep. The chambers were too comfortable and cozy. Clearly, She had put in Her heart and soul to decorate the place.

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