A Bowl Of Love

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"My Lord, there is such extreme scarcity of food that even the Gods are finding it difficult to arrange for food. The kitchens of Heaven are empty and all of Earth is struck by a famine. Humans are dying and your devotees are perishing."

Shiva was listening patiently to their problems. But He gave no answer. Because He actually had no solution.

Ever since Parvati disappeared, He felt so disconnected. He engaged in meditation even more than before. He withdrew inwards to distract the pain. And He didn't speak to anyone at all.

All the withdrawal of the energy sources around Him had turned Kailash into ice again. The flowers, leaves and plants dried up. No water flowed through the lakes and ponds.

"If this continues, then we are doomed. My Lord, You are immortal but your devotees are mortal beings. If not for Yourself, then please do something to save us."

The demigods, devotees and followers prayed to Him with folded hands. They had lost all hope and were extremely distressed.

"Ask Devi Saraswati to guide you. May She bless you with the necessary wisdom and knowledge. May your souls be awakened."

Shiva uttered His usual blessings and closed His eyes again. No one understood the philosophy, nor the cryptic guidance behind those words. Or maybe, they were too hungry and famished to think.

Devi Saraswati and Devi Lakshmi looked at each other. They gently nodded their heads and knew that it was time for them to take action.

"I have heard of a place where there is ample food and anyone who goes there always returns with sufficient alms. No one sleeps with an empty stomach and everyone's hunger is satisfied."

"Where is this place, Devi Lakshmi? Is it a place on the earth or in another dimension?"

Devi Lakshmi gave them an assuring look. "It is at Kashi. I think we all must visit there. With Her permission, we can get Her blessings and She will give us a solution to all our problems."

"Let's go there right away!"

"We can't go there if She doesn't wish to see us. Infact, even a leaf in this world doesn't doesn't sway without Her wish or permission. She is the reigning Queen of Kashi. We should pray to Her to accept our request."

The demigods and devotees decided to organise a prayer ceremony for the Great Goddess. She was easily pleased and asked them to come to Kashi and accept food from Her at Her own kitchen.

Excited and finally happy that they all will not have to go hungry anymore, the demigods soon made arrangements and left for Kashi.

The devotees and followers of Lord Shiva stayed behind. For how could they go alone without their Lord? They can't feed themselves and let Him stay hungry.

"My Lord, please come with us to Kashi. The Great Goddess is also Your Wife. If She has invited us all, She must be eager to meet you. She must be anticipating your arrival."

Not wanting to disappoint His devotees and also fulfil their hunger, Shiva agreed.

He went to the kitchen, which was deserted since so long due to the absence of Parvati. Picking up a bowl, He was now ready for the journey to Kashi.


The city of Kashi was overflowing with abundance and prosperity

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The city of Kashi was overflowing with abundance and prosperity. Every single person seemed satisfied and happy. All children beamed with glee and beauty surrounded the town.

The aroma of food filled the entire sky. The demigods followed the scent and were led to a huge magnificent palace.

They went inside into a hall. A long queue of people waited patiently to meet the Queen of the palace.

Knowing that the Queen was none other than the Supreme Goddess, they were expecting Parvati at the beginning of the queue.

Hoping that Her once glance would be worth the wait, they patiently stood with bowls and plates in their hands.

But they were taken in for a pleasant surprise.

A beautiful woman was seated on the throne. She wore a purple mauve saree with brown robes hanging around Her arms. Glittering jewels and gold adorned Her neck. She wore a glistening crown on top of Her head.

With a ladle in one hand, and a pot in the other, She served all the people who came to Her with a smile. It seemed that Her smile itself satisfied everyone's hunger.

Her face was beaming with grace and kindness. Motherly love overpoured from Her persona. Her aura was completely divine. An absolute Goddess, She was seated calmly like a Queen.

And Her face was an exact replica of Goddess Parvati. They were different but yet the same. Different forms of the same Goddess.

When it was Shiva's turn, His joy knew no bounds. He was so elated to be reunited with His Love.

He gently lowered His bowl and bent on His knees. With an expression so innocent and full of love, He brought His hands forward as if He were begging for alms.

Looking at His expression of love, the Great Goddess recalled all their moments and memories of love. She looked into His eyes and saw Her own reflection.

"Parvati, I may have outgrown hunger. But I am always hungry for Your Love. My devotees need nutrition and I need My Kailash Swamini. Please come back and forgive me for my mistake."

A beam of light blinded everyone around. And when everyone opened their eyes, Parvati stood in the same place where the Great Goddess had just been seated.

She hugged Him and He took Her in His warm embrace. Tears of happiness flowed from Her almond eyes. Feeling Her moist cheek on His chest, He looked at Her. He wiped away Her tears and wrapped His strong arms around Her even tighter.

All the demigods and Goddesses, devotees and followers bowed their heads in reference to the Divine Couple.

"Maa Annapoorna, please grant us Your blessings so that our hunger for food, wisdom, knowledge and self realisation is satisfied. You're the Beloved of Lord Shiva and You're the Supreme Mother. Please forgive us and help us nourish our bodies, minds and souls."

।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।। ।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।। 

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।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।। 
।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।। 

ShivShakti - Tales Of Immortal & Innocent Love (#1 Of Series)Where stories live. Discover now