Vaishyanath Priyabhakta

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Vaishyanath Priyabhakta

"Ouch!" She shrieked.

Hearing Her voice, He came running towards Her. She tripped on a twig and fell off. She had injured Her foot where the thorns pierced and it hurt excruciatingly.  Blood oozed out from the cut on Her sole.

"What are You doing here in this forest?*

She looked up and smiled when Her eyes met Shiva's. "Swami, I had come here to collect some flowers for worship. But how did You know that I am here?"

His concerned expression melted into a warm smile.

"Parvati, wherever You are, so am I. And hearing Your voice, I could not resist coming to check up on You."

Shiva, the great physician, healed Her foot with just one touch. He was Lord Somnath, the Lord of the magical Soma herb which could heal any ailment. When drops of the celestial elixir of life, Amrita, fell on the earth, magical herbs like Soma and Bhaang were born. They were thus very dear to Shiva.

"Oh Swami! But You should not touch My feet. You're My Husband."

She tried to stand up on Her feet but She couldn't walk because of the pain. She didn't complain or say anything. But Shiva observed everything and lifted Her in His arms to carry Her.

"A husband and wife are always equal in status. Now You should not command Me about what to do and just rest and take care of Yourself first. Come on, let's hurry up and head home. Our Ganas must be waiting for Us to join Them for lunch."

They returned to Their abode, with Parvati in His arms all throughout the journey. He was lovingly glancing at Her, lost in Her dark almond eyes.

"Swami, put Me down. Everyone's going to see this and laugh."

He gently placed Her back on Her feet, and made Her sit on a platform. "Oh no, I cannot let You down. Although I am placing You down from My arms for a while."

She giggled at His witty reply. "I'll ask one of the Ganas to serve lunch today. You rest here and don't try to land on Your injured foot. I'll be back in a while. I need to meet someone."

Her face turned grim. "Is this why You hurried about returning?" She tried joking to lift up the solemn atmosphere.

Shiva ignored Her question and glanced at the distance. And without saying a word, He disappeared.

Parvati became wary of the sudden gesture. He never behaved this way or avoided Her. That too, moments after He had lovingly embraced Her.

She gazed at the spot where He stood moments ago. His footprints still remained embossed on the ground. But, they were covered with drops of blood.

She bent down to touch them. And then touched Her head with the same hand, to take His blessings.

What is this? Swami was bleeding when I was hurt. And yet I asked Him, how did He know about My whereabouts. I didn't even think before speaking.' She thought in regret.

He loved Her the most, and She didn't doubt that. But His sudden disappearance disappointed Her. She pondered on, still looking at the ground. She should probably wait more before jumping to conclusions.

She felt woeful about angering Him. Maybe He left because Her words were rude and He felt hurt. She had to wait for His return to know the truth.

But Her tender heart drifted away in an eerie sense of insecurity. And fear galloped Her mind. Her Husband didn't only belong to Her, but also to others. And He had to spend time with people who needed Him.

ShivShakti - Tales Of Immortal & Innocent Love (#1 Of Series)Where stories live. Discover now