The Three Promises

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It all felt so surreal. Too good to be true.

Her dream was finally true. All these years of prayers and good work had finally paid off well.

She pinched Herself to check if She was just dreaming or it was really true.

"Ouch! Oh it's real. I'm not in a dream but in dreamy Kailash."

Shiva giggled at Her innocence and childlike excitement. "Sati, You are indeed here at Kailash with Me. And we're indeed married. And it's our first day of marriage, indeed."

Sati's eyes widened with amazement and She stood up and twirled. The blossom tree above them dropped its flowers on Her in reverence.

Even though She was not aware of Her identity, the entire Nature and Cosmos was.

Shiva stood up and pulled Her closer. He cupped Her cheeks with His hands.

"Sati, now that We are together. You must promise Me three things, which are ideal for a happy marriage. I don't want to lose You again. I have waited for Our Union since millenniums. You may not have experience but together We will conquer all fears and face all problems together."

Sati smiled and nodded Her head. She was definitely too young to decipher everything about the world. She knew nothing about the rules of marriage or how to take care of a household. But with Shiva by Her side, She was not scared of anything. It was going to be a great adventure ahead. Full of new beginnings, hope and of course, love. Immortal, infinite Love.

"Yes, Swami, whatever You say, I shall do. I trust You with My Life."

Shiva took Her hand and signalled Her to sit by His side. They looked deep into each other's eyes and got lost in the moment. The moment they had been waiting for all this while.

He knew that this moment wasn't going to break soon and decided to enjoy it instead. The promises could wait.


"Sati, the first promise - You must always speak the truth to Me

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"Sati, the first promise - You must always speak the truth to Me. Your name and aura is an epitome of truthfulness. When we are truthful, We are closer to our own selves and are freed of our fears. This is the first step of the Union of Purush and Prakriti."

Sati silently nodded. She didn't say a word. She was too elated and mesmerised by Him to say anything. She decided She would speak only once He was done explaining everything.

"The second promise - You must never hide anything from Me. All your sorrows are Mine now, and all My joys are Yours. We must share everything. This dispels all doubts. Together We can solve anything."

Sati nodded at the second statement. She was confident She would abide by all His words and promises. She knew that there would never come a time when they would be separated again. And She would do anything to ensure that, whatever He would say.

"And Sati, finally the third promise - You must always obey what I say. If I say something, then it must be for the greater good and the best for You. I know all about time, the past, present and future. You must trust Me and My decisions. It is My duty to protect You and I will try My best to make You understand the reasons behind My actions."

Sati nodded Her head yet again.

"Yes Swami, I will abide by all the three promises." She rested Her head on His shoulder and closed Her eyes.

She slowly drifted off to another land, and this time it was neither Shiva nor Her. It was the portrait of a Divine being.

The silhouette danced in sync to the beats of a Dumroo. She couldn't see the face in the shadows.

She saw the ruffling of a saree on the left side of the silhouette under the moonlight. The figurine adorned tiger skin on the right side. She was confused about the uncanny yet divine vision. The silhouette was deeply mesmerising and She could look at the dance forever.

But deep inside, She knew that everything existed in Shiva, and Shiva existed in everything.

But deep inside, She knew that everything existed in Shiva, and Shiva existed in everything

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।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।।
।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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