The Garland Of Skulls

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As per promise, Shiva brought Parvati with Him for meditation at the Shamshaan. She was excited for the session because it was Her first experience.

She couldn't sleep the previous night because of the curiosity and questions She was eager to ask.

Finally, when they entered the Shamshaan, She breathed a sigh of relief. But Her breath was interrupted by the smoke and darkness.

She coughed and blinked Her eyes to get a clear vision. But nothing was identifiable amidst the dark envelope of fumes and clouds.

"Parvati, it's your first visit Here and You may experience a little difficulty. But I'm sure with time, You'll engage more and it might even become Your favourite place of enlightenment."

Parvati nodded, trusting His intentions. But Her mind was fogged by howling and hooting sounds.

She felt extremely disturbed and scared by the noise. The wailing and crying sounds prevented Her from entering the Shamshaan.

"Swami, I am perturbed by these sounds. Please do something. I am unable to concentrate. It seems like they're crying to Me for help. Please liberate them from their miseries."

Shiva guided Her inside and asked Her to sit down at a place which had alot of unseen, unknown markings and symbols. There was an altar with fire resembling a yagya fire. But She knew it was not a yagya because they are not performed in places of death but rather at occasions.

A cauldron had some offerings. Bones remained scattered on the ground. Smoke and fire engulfed the surroundings.

Parvati wondered how could someone even concentrate or meditate at this place of unrest.

Shiva picked up a garland made of skulls and hung it around His neck. Parvati was horrified at His expression.

"Parvati, don't fear anything Here. I'm here with You. Soon, when all darkness and fear is expelled, only enlightenment will remain. You're scared because You're not aware. Once You're aware, You'll have nothing to fear. It is fear that makes humans mortal and a human who outgrows all fears definitely becomes aware of his divinity."

Parvati's face seemed glum and She had lost Her charm. She sat as Shiva ordered and just obeyed His words. But She still felt very perplexed and troubled by the atmosphere and the sounds.

However, She didn't speak a word throughout the session nor did She revolt. She tried Her best to concentrate, even though She didn't completely understand His sermons. But She didn't want to repeat Her previous mistake which had led Her to be born as a mortal amongst the community of fishermen. She had learnt it the hard way about discipline and concentration.

"Parvati, knowledge has three paths - Mantra, Yantra and Tantra. Mantra is the recitation of words and phrases. Through repeated chanting, vibrations are created which converge with higher energies and help to attain enlightenment. For all knowledge resides within us, and we only need a medium to understand and dispel ignorance."

He continued, "Yantra is the usage of symbols for attaining wisdom and Tantra is a sect of actions and activities. Parvati, You must learn all three step by step and inculcate the practices in Your life."

Parvati listened patiently and nodded at His every word. Then, He taught Her everything that He knew to Her.

He was thrilled to see that She was paying attention and interest. She had improved so much. He had found the perfect student in Her.

And when the student is ready, the teacher arrives.



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