The First Promise Is Broken

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The last flower was set and Her shringar was complete. She was so excited to meet Her Husband after their wedding and spend the first moments with Him which She would remember till eternity.

She went to the place Shiva was meditating and stood in front of Him, waiting for Him to open His eyes and look at Her.

However, Shiva took no notice of Her. He remained deeply engrossed in meditation. She went and sat next to Him and held His hand, compelling Him to wake up and look at Her.

"Swami, You're the Lord of the Three Worlds. Yet You keep meditating whenever I observe You. On whom do You meditate? Who occupies Your thoughts all day? Do You worship someone else?"

Shiva's lips turned into a smile and then He slowly opened His eyes. His eyes twinkled at the question. He had waited to share this detail of His life with His Wife and now that She had asked, He could finally answer.

"Sati, I worship Lord Rama. The One whose recitation of name is greater than His ritual worship. He is born in every age in a different form and yet is eternal and immortal. He is the truth, He is Parabrahman and He is My Guru. Infact, He is not different from Me. He worships Me the way I meditate upon Him. We are two manifestations of the same Supreme Divine."

Sati was delighted to know the truth. "Really Swami! Then I must meet Lord Rama and find out more about Him. I wish to know more about such a Divine Soul."

He continued, "Sati, He is not just a Soul Aatma but the Eternal Paramatma who resides in every living being."

Sati clenched His hand and persuaded Him more to take Her to meet Lord Rama. He decided to give Her a divine vision of Lord Rama.

She had a prophetic vision of the future where She saw Lord Rama roaming through the forests and looking tensed.

But Sati was still not satisfied, and asked to meet the Lord in person.

"Sati, He is disturbed at the moment because He is searching for His Wife, Rama, Goddess Sita, who has been kidnapped by Ravana, the King of Lanka."

Sati was confused at the revelation. "Swami, if He is the Supreme Lord, then why was His Wife kidnapped? And why can't He bring Her back soon? He can use His powers and punish the culprit too."

Shiva assured Her and said, "No Sati. That is not the right thing to do. It is all His Leela or Transcendental Actions. He knows what is happening throughout the past, present and future. And in every era, Rama the truth, is there to win over evil."

Sati was still not convinced. "Swami, if that is the case then maybe You should help Him. He worships You and prays for His Wife's wellbeing to You. You should go and return His Wife right away. Why is the Supreme Lord suffering like mere mortals?"

Shiva seemed a little agitated at Her stubbornness. "Sati, it is not right for us to interfere in His Leela or the future events which are going to unfold. It is not only about Lord Rama's life, but also about Ravana's actions and their consequences, which He has to face over time."

He got up from His seat and made His way towards Mansarovar. But Sati's doubts weren't settled.

She decided to test it for Herself and find out Her answers.


"Swami! Why do You seem so upset? I'm just here

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"Swami! Why do You seem so upset? I'm just here. I was gone for a little while. But You don't need to worry now that I've come back. I don't want to see You in distress."

Lord Rama bowed His head in reverence and said - "Goddess Sati! Welcome to My place of worship. I'm indeed blessed that You've given Me your divine vision and blessings. But Mata, I was expecting Lord Shiva to be here with You. I was praying to both of You for guidance and blessings. Is He not here?" Is He upset with Me and refusing to come? And did He send You alone?"

Rama looked at Herself from top to bottom, analysing if She had made any mistakes while dawning the attire. But She finally realised Her mistake. She doubted the Supreme Lord.

Coming to Her original form, the gentle, all merciful Devi AdiparaShakti, blessed Lord Rama and assured Him of Her help whenever He would need it. She also gave Him a boon to be worshipped alongside Herself in all auspicious occasions. And thus Lord Rama came to be associated with all the Navratris around the year.

Now, the innocent and naive Sati decided to make way back to Kailash. Her doubts were cleared. She realised that Lord Rama was indeed God and He knew all about everything, all along; even about Her disguise as Sita. But yet He was engaging in the ways of the world and His Leela to set an example for mankind. And to help get rid of all evil and establish a reign of Dharma and righteousness again.

Although, Lord Rama was aware of His divinity and yet opted to not show it but lead a way of the mortals. However, Sati was still not aware of Herself completely. She was Devi AdiparaShakti but She lacked the conscience to understand that. The Supreme Goddess appeared in mesmerising ways through Sati's existence and often She was not conscious about them.

She felt at peace now that She knew the truth. She thought of telling Shiva about Her little prank. But He may get angry at Her for doubting His Lord. After a few moments of debating with Herself and Her own thoughts, She decided otherwise. She was going to keep mum about the event.

Back at Kailash, everything seemed quiet and peaceful. There were no unknown developments and everything was normal.

Shiva was not at His place of meditation. Sati remembered Him and decided to look for Him at Mansarovar Lake.

 Sati remembered Him and decided to look for Him at Mansarovar Lake

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।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।।
।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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