The Celestial Dancer

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"Ma, I have good news for You!"

Her voice echoed through the corridors of the magnificent palace. She sped fast towards the chambers of Her Mother.

She was running in a hurry and a trinket from Her anklets fell off. But She didn't care to stop. She was so elated and Her Mother would be the first one to know. She had to meet Her at once before anyone else.

"Oh My Lord! Parvati, You're back! My little girl has finally returned after all this long time! How was Your penance? Did You receive Your desired boon?"

She ran towards Her Mother and landed in a tight embrace. Her beaming smile signalled Her success and happiness. She hugged Her Mother and didn't leave Her loving embrace.

"Ma, He listened to My heart's desire and gas agreed to marry Me. He shall visit You very soon to formally ask for My hand in marriage." She blushed as She told Her Mother everything about what had happened during the tenure of Her austerities.

"Is that so? I'm so happy to hear this My child! I should hurry up and make arrangements for Him then. Your Father shall be eagerly waiting for His arrival." Her Mother made Her way and called out all the attendants to start the preparations.

Days passed by, and yet She didn't hear anything from His side. King Himavan grew anxious by the day, and restless by the night. He thought of sending someone to ask about Shiva's whereabouts.

"Mena, I am worried about Our daughter. She has such high hopes. I just don't want Her to be heartbroken or disappointed in case Lord Shiva doesn't arrive soon. Should We arrange for meetings with other prospective grooms?" His voice cracked in despair even as He spoke to His Wife Queen Menavati.

"Maybe We should..."

A bunch of messengers came in and knocked at their door. "Your Highness, a troop of dancers have arrived who wish to perform for the Royal Family and congratulate the Princess on Her feat. Shall We send them in?"

Queen Menavati's crumpled expression of worry lit up into a smile as Her lips curved. She nodded Her head and got up to welcome them. Hospitality was always revered at the mansion of the King of Himalayas.

A message was sent to Parvati and She quickly dressed up and entered the ceremonial hall. She wore a yellow robe of silk and adorned Herself with flower jewellery. After years of avoiding any material adornment, She found it difficult to arrange things.

"Ma, can You please help Me with this other earring? I am unable to clip it." She ran down the stairs, calling for Her Mother who stood on the other end of the hallway.

The earring slipped from Her hand and landed on the floor. She bent down to pick up the fallen jewel. However, another pair of hands had already picked it up before She could.

"Oh, thank you so much!" She expressed Her gratitude with a beaming smile, Her most charming trait. She looked up at the stranger who had extended His help.

A genuine expression of concern and confusion surrounded Her face. Her mouth dropped open and She knitted Her eyebrows. She could not mistaken those eyes.

"Um... Is it really You?"

Her Mother rushed to Her side. "Oh Parvati, what happened? Is everything alright? Here, let Me help You." She hurriedly clasped the earring on Her earlobe and tidied Her little daughter, who was not so little anymore as She came of marriageable age now. But a child is always little to their parents.

"Nothing, Ma. All fine. I'm sorry to keep You all waiting."

She pursed Her lips to hide a faint smile and sat in Her place for the ceremony.

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