The Final Promise Breaks

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"No, Swami, We have to go! Maybe He missed Our names. He must have been busy with the arrangements and I understand He forgot to invite Us."

Shiva knitted His eyebrows. "No, Sati. This is not an accident but done with intention. You must not go. And it's not the first time He has done something like this."

Sati's stubbornness roared into a fury. Her eyes turned bloodshot red. And She threatened Him, "If You don't want to go, it's fine. I'll go alone. I know You dislike Him and don't want to meet Him. But I want to; He's My Father and a daughter doesn't need any permission or invitation to visit her father's home."

Shiva was surprised at Her unflinching headstrong nature. She was usually amiable and abided by whatever He would say, even though She would argue and get curious to find out why. But this time, She was not moved at all.

"Sati, You know that I have neither likes or dislikes. I'm not partial towards anyone. But this time, for Your own good, You must obey what I say. Don't go to Kankhal. I cannot fully explain everything to you but You must trust Me. I can see the future and this will prove disastrous for Us."

Shiva got up and started to walk away, trying to evade further questions from Her. He knew that if they argued more, She would get furious to such an extent that it would become difficult for Her to control Her own rage. He needed Her to calm down so that She would listen patiently.

She needed time and space, which Shiva fully understood and respected.


The Goddess of pitch black complexion stood facing Him, with flowing unbound tresses and three eyes

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The Goddess of pitch black complexion stood facing Him, with flowing unbound tresses and three eyes. Her tongue hung out from Her mouth, dripping blood. And She looked rageful and fierce. She wore a garland of skulls and had four hands. She held a trident and a scimitar. And a demon head and a bow beneath collecting it's blood.

For a minute, even Shiva, the Destroyer, was terrified of the Goddess' appearance. He couldn't believe His loving, serene Sati could manifest in this form in front of Him.

He turned to face away from Her and leave without any confrontation. But His path was blocked again by another Goddess.

She had a light blue complexion unlike the first One. But She too had  dishevelled hair, and wore the Moon over Her crown. She also had three eyes and carried a garland of skulls.Her four hands held a lotus, scimitar, demon head and scissors.

Shiva again turned to His left. And this time, a beautiful, young Goddess stood there in front of Him. She had the complexion of molten gold and a calm, beautiful smile. She wore red robes of silk and adorned sparkling ornaments. Her four hands held a goad, lotus, a bow, and arrow.

Shiva felt that He was stuck there. But since it was His Sati, He could be stuck there with Her forever. Even in Her rage, She seemed so beautiful, pure and innocent. And Shiva was full of love and reverence for the Goddess. Because She was starting to realise that She was the Supreme Goddess, AdiparaShakti.

A beautiful Goddess  of fair, golden complexion, with three content eyes surrounded Him. She wore red and yellow garments, decorated with ornaments on her limbs and had four hands. Two of Her four hands held a goad and noose while Her other two hands were open.

He again turned to the other direction and tried to walk away.

Yet another Goddess with fiery, volcanic red complexion, three furious eyes, and dishevelled hair stood there now. Her hair was matted, tied up in a bun, decorated by a crescent moon.  She was also decked with snakes and serpents too as her ornamentation.

The self-decapitated goddess with a red complexion, embodied with a frightful appearance, came into view now. She had dishevelled hair. She had four hands, two of which held a sword and another hand held Her own severed head;

A Goddess of a smoky dark brown complexion, in white clothes,   and a winnowing basket appeared in front of Shiva.

And a Goddess of molten complexion, holding a mace with the mount of a crane blocked His path from the other direction.

Another Goddess, emerald green in complexion, with lush, dishevelled black hair, three placid eyes and a calm look on her face, came in His way. She had four hands, three of which held a scimitar, a skull and a veena. Her one hand was in the posture of bestowing boons to Her devotees.

The Goddess of a molten gold complexion and lush black hair appeared in front of Him now. She was wearing red and pink garments  bedecked with various ornaments and lotuses all over her limbs.

All these Mahavidyas are the source of the entire Cosmos and contain all the Universes within them.

The Ten Mahavidyas surrounded Shiva from all ten primordial directions and obstructed His way. Kali, Tara, Tripura Sundari, Bhuvaneshvari, Bhairavi, Chhinnamasta, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi and Kamala.

Shiva was overwhelmed and scared of this aspect of Sati. He had never seen the calm Sati in such a rage. He was forced to stand there and couldn't leave. Until Her demand was fulfilled.

And so, He let Her go to Kankhal, knowing very well about the consequences. His worst fears were about to come true.

His Love was going alone on such a long journey. He sent Nandi with Her for Her protection. But nothing or no protection could prevent what destiny had in store for Them.

The peaks of Kailash started to shake in fear and terror. The mountains trembled and boulders obstructed Her way. But nothing could stop Her today and She trodden on.

This was the last time he saw His Love.

And when Love leaves the earth, there is only destruction.

Thus broke the final promise that Sati had made to Shiva. She went ahead, breaking all ties and forgetting all left behind.

Her only intention was to speak to Her Father now.
The first and last time after Her marriage.

।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।। ।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।।
।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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