The Brahmin Priest's Prediction

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"Parvati, please come here!"

Queen Menavati called out to Her beloved Daughter.

"You must serve these dishes to the Brahmin Priest who has just arrived here to grant You His blessings. He won't accept offerings from anyone else. It is wrong to turn away someone who has come at our home without food or offerings. Besides, You must seek elders' blessings for Your marriage."

She bowed and took the huge plate filled with a variety of food dishes, sweets and offerings. She went to the guest dining hall and found a Brahmin seated there at the far edge of the table.

She covered Her head with Her veil and bowed to Him in reverence. Then, She served Him all the dishes one by one as She placed them gently infront of Him. And She herself sat on His side and fanned Him as He ate.

She thought of speaking to the Priest to break the uncanny silence. 'I have heard Lord Shiva is very dear to Brahmins. Maybe He knows something about Him which I should too. Let Me tell Him about My feelings so that He carries the message to My Lord.'

She cleared Her throat and began to speak. "Please accept My obesainces, oh noble Priest! I am the Daughter of the Mountain King, and I shall very soon get married to Lord Shiva. But He has kept me waiting and hanging for a sign. How will I know whether to start preparing for the wedding or wait for a while?"

The Brahmin Priest did not say anything. He only patiently listened. So, She continued in a monotonous tone.

"He certainly thinks about the welfare of the world, but never His own. He has come of marriageable age, and still He tries to run away from Me. Imagine My plight! If You happen to meet Him, tell Him about My complaints. Why doesn't He come to meet Me? He should accept Our marriage with full faith. Pity Me Oh Lord!" She pouted and whined.

The Priest ate everything with satisfaction and content. He paused after taking the last bite, and spoke up finally after the long silence.

"Oh dear Princess, why do You wish to marry that mendicant? You should definitely reconsider Your choices. I have advised the same to Your parents. Indeed They were scared and are rethinking about Your marriage."

Parvati got a bit agitated at the Priest's reaction. But She couldn't raise Her voice. He was Her guest and She tried Her best to seve Him personally. Still, She could not process His words and enquired in impulse.

"What? Why did You tell all this to My parents? They are already anxious enough and You are only increasing Their worries. If there is something which needs immediate attention, You should speak to Me first. Besides, it's My decision to get married, and no one is forcing Me."

He widened His eyes and gazed at Her. She quickly looked in the other direction to avoid Him.

"Exactly Princess, no one is forcing You. And yet You stand clear on Your decision to marry someone who doesn't even give You enough attention and time. I have already prophecised that the woman who marries such a man will lead a difficult time, in the rough terrains of Mount Kailash, where the inhospitable environment makes even flora and fauna difficult to survive."

She kept looking sideways as She spoke up to defend Her decision. "I have always grown up in these mountains, and no one knows them better than Me, for I am the Daughter of the Mountains. Besides, where there is Love, even the coldest snow melts and warmth makes everything flourish and grow."

She had heard enough. She was so disgusted that anything She would say at this point would only mean a waste of Her time and energy. She didn't want to sound disrespectful to the Priest. She gestured the attendants to cater and serve Him as She got up to leave.

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