Duty Calls

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"My Lord, You've to find a solution for Our troubles. The world and it's inhabitants are in danger. Kindly help Us and annihilate the demons. You're the Ocean of Kindness, the Divine Protector, the Destroyer of Evil. Please have mercy on Us."

He looked up at the assembly for a while. He had seen the forthcoming events through His divine vision. He knew what trouble brought them here to Kailash.

"My dear Gods, Ganas, Devotees and everyone assembled here. You're all welcomed to stay here at Kailash and seek protection for the time being. But I'm afraid that I cannot help You more than this. I cannot kill those demons. As per their boon, only a Goddess can kill them."

Mumbling and whispering echoed in the crowd. Sounds of obvious confusion had scintillated them.

"My Lord, then We must seek the Goddess who will help Us. Let us all pray to Her to show Us Her form."

Knowing very well that Parvati was the manifestation of the Supreme Goddess, Shiva understood that the time had come for Her to take up Her duties.

All the Gods and Goddesses assembled converged Their powers. The Goddesses were their potencies and powers, and they all merged with each other into a single divine light. The light was infinite, formless and vast.

She was the Supreme Goddess, the Queen of Manidwip. Goddess Tripura Sundari, the Ruler of the Loka of the Goddesses and Her manifestations.

A voice from within the vastness spoke to them like a prophecy. "I am ready to help You all. But this task will be accomplished by Parvati, for She is My own form. And now She is aware of Her powers, and She will fulfil Her duty."

Before the Gods approached Parvati and requested Her, Shiva took up the responsibility of convincing Her. He knew it wasn't going to be easy but He would try His best, and with love.


"Parvati, changes are painful but they are necessary

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"Parvati, changes are painful but they are necessary. Transformation is important to step to the next level of growth. Maybe that's why You had that dream. It must be prophecising You about the future events."

Parvati had just dreamt of a fearful vision during Her meditation. She saw a fierce Goddess with a thousand arms and faces, fighting off demons. She wore garlands of skulls, severed hands and was devouring blood.

She was horrified at the sight. She often had clairvoyant dreams about the future, but this time it was too disturbing to be believed. She could never imagine someone as bold and terrific as Her. And She was definitely convinced it was not Her but someone else.

But then She saw something which triggered Her fears even further. The Goddess was dancing with dishevelled hair and severed heads in Her hands. Each step of Her dance roared like thunder. She was pitch black like the vast dark clouds, causing terror and destruction everywhere She went. The sight perturbed Her deeply.

And then, while dancing, She suddenly stepped on Someone on Her path. When She looked closely, it was none other than Shiva. Parvati opened Her eyes when She saw this scene and couldn't concentrate further. She started crying and shaking Her head in denial.

The meek, gentle Gauri could never imagine even killing someone. Forget about renouncing Her wifely duties and stepping on Her Husband.

When She woke up from Her meditation, She found Shiva waiting for Her at the doors of Her private chambers. She knew She had to speak to Him about what She saw. But over here, Shiva was trying to convince Her otherwise and make Her embrace a new transformation.

"We cannot remain stagnant at a place and let things unfold on their own. As the Father and Mother of the Universe, We have our roles and responsibilities. Sometimes, tapasya or austerity doesn't always mean meditation or generating energy. We must also face trials and troubles and grow stronger."

Shiva continued, "Just like gold is molten in the fire and given shape, such problems only bring out the best in us. You have to go out in the world, face sufferings and also annihilate their cause. Our sufferings are our offerings in the yagya of life which brings us closer to the Divine, and also make us more aware of our true self."

Parvati shook Her head. "But Swami, how can you call this as bringing out the best in Me, when I have to step on You, My beloved Husband? This will make Me suffer a lifetime of guilt, sadness and regret. I'll have to hide My face in shame and forget about being close to You."

Shiva lifted Her chin up and looked into Her eyes. "Parvati, You don't have to hide this beautiful face of Yours from Me anytime. Promise Me that whatever happens, whether good or bad, We will face it together."

Parvati nodded and asked, "Can't We just live as Husband and Wife? Is it necessary to be the Mother of the Universe and face evil forces? Isn't a mother's love about adoring their children and caring for them? I shall only fulfil My duties of a wife and look after You here in our little abode. This is our world, our Kailash, our home of love."

"But what if this world is destroyed and there is no love left to protect or cherish? Parvati, a mother also protects her children from all harm and evil. I know you're feeling reluctant and insecure. I'm not forcing you to make a decision. You've time, although the demons' army is approaching soon. But I leave the final decision to You, and in case You change Your mind, feel free to call Me."

He turned to leave but then paused on His way. "Parvati, You're the epitome of love and devotion. And the world will always remember You for that. Don't ever think that You are a disobedient wife. You've always supported Me with patience and love and have stood by My side through everything. And I promise to do that same, come what may. As Sati, You even went against Your parents and did a hard penance to convince Me. I don't even think I can do something like that. It's so difficult. You're so strong. You're Shakti. You're capable of everything."

Shiva's words made Parvati ponder. She realised that She was being selfish by prioritising Her own feelings of guilt rather than the fear of destruction of the world's inhabitants.

In order to be God, one should always keep their personal sufferings aside and think about the world first. Shiva had always taught Her that. And it was time to implement His teachings - be it His sermons, philosophy or the Tantra Vidya He had bestowed upon Her.

Maybe Her fears were baseless and would never come true. It might have just been a bad dream. And perhaps that's why Shiva was there to encourage Her to go to the battlefield.

Time was less but the right time had come.

Parvati had made up Her mind finally.

।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।। ।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।।
।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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