The Fiery Duet

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"I don't want even the Heavens if I can't have You by My side."

Shiva was reciting out the immortal tale of Lord Shree Rama, and His beloved Wife Goddess Sita.

He spoke with so much intensity and emotions that She felt as if He was speaking the lines to Her.

"Swami, are You saying these words to Me?"

Shiva averted Her eyes and blushed. "No, no Parvati, I am just reciting these transcendental tales which repeat themselves in every age, and are timeless. They may be an event of the past, present or future. Who knows what might happen, or maybe it has already happened."

He completedly dodged Her question to avoid getting caught. When She kept looking on, waiting for Him to speak up, He simply grinned.

"Oh Parvati, My Beloved! What will I do with the Heavens when this Kailash is My eternal abode." He joked and laughed it off.

Parvati raised Her eyebrow in amusement. She understood what He couldn't say out loud. After a moment of pause, She too joined in His laughter.

"Swami, I love listening to the stories and pastimes of Shree Hari and His beloved Consort. I know how devoted You are to Them and how much You love Them. You glow and Your eyes sparkle when You speak about Them. They are the cause of Your eternal happiness. Please tell Me more, for the recitation of Their tales truly makes you blissful."

Shiva went on with His storytelling. He loved conversing with Her and spending time with Her. And His most favourite topic of conversing, was about His beloved Lord. It was simply the most beautiful time of the day for Him, with Parvati by His side.

"This is not the only time when Lord Shree Hari has expressed His Love for His Beloved Consort Shree Lakshmi. As Lord Krishna and Shree Radha, They are the eternal couple who rule Goloka. Their love has time and again proved to the worth about its immortal and cosmic nature. Shree Radha is His primordial lover and and wished to marry Him as His consort. But He told Her that marriage unites two beings, but for those beings who are already one, they need not marry their better halves."

Parvati gasped in admiration. "Oh! Swami, did They not get married then?"

Shiva widened His eyes and His pupils dilated. He teased Her reactions to His storytelling.

"Mhmm mhmm. They did get married. They incarnated in the city of Vrindavan, a replica of the capital of Goloka on the Earth. And They were married under the supervision of Lord Brahma as the Head Priest."

Shiva could use His powers and omnipresent abilities to even tell Parvati about tales and events of the future which still hadn't been held yet. But He was cautious, and He didn't reveal much to Her; avoiding any anxiety to evade Her. He only told what She needed to hear and would feel happy to listen to.

"Parvati, love is indeed very necessary for marriage. But marriage is not necessary for love."

She touched the back of His palm gently and gave Her assertion.

They were lost in Their little blissful moment of love. Warm and safe in Their haven at Kailash, which although was not the Heaven, but ShivShakti chose this as their eternal abode.

Parvati brushed Her hand on Shiva's shoulder in an embrace. Her hand rubbed against the ashes smeared on His arms.

A pinch of the ashes fell off on the ground. And a weird, awful looking entity was born.

Parvati flinched at the sight of the beast.

"Swami, how can someone so awful be born from You, who is the personification of beauty?"

ShivShakti - Tales Of Immortal & Innocent Love (#1 Of Series)Where stories live. Discover now