Shiva's Tribal Wife

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Her glistening eyes turned pale and lonely under the dim moonlight.

The moon didn't seem as shining as it did on the nights when She sat on the swing , with Shiva by Her side.

She was waiting eagerly for His return. She wanted to speak to Him and vent all Her worries. But Her hope seemed frail and She felt frustrated.

Words unspoken pile up as misunderstandings. And long standing misunderstandings can turn any strong string fragile.

She felt a commotion of emotions at the same time. Lonely, distressed, upset, angry, disappointed. But She was mostly angry. Anger is after all, hidden grief, trying to find an opening to void.

She had every right to be angry at Him. We are angry only with the ones we love the most. And yet, She couldn't voice Her anger.

Saying anything might be like walking on eggshells. She felt hurt deep inside, like Her heart had stopped beating. She clenched Her chest in pain. The ache was tremendous.

There are remedies for physical ailments. But nothing can subside emotional trauma. Nothing beats faster than a heart in love. And nothing heals slower than a broken heart.

Expectations always hurt. And She didn't know if She should keep them or not. Because keeping expectations and not seeing them fulfilled would break Her hope. They might not be able to stand up to our expectations. And not keeping expectations would be equally disappointing. Because maybe the other person does something which we didn't see coming, as in didn't expect them to do.

A teardrop trickled down Her cheeks. She wiped it off with the back of Her palm. Had Shiva been there, He would have wiped it off with His own hands. Every thought reminded Her of Him. But He was nowhere to be seen.

With anger gushing through Her veins at the sheer circumstances, She made up Her mind to go find Him on Her own.

He had tested Her patience enough. She would put Him through a trial now.


She looked at Him with earnest eyes, and folded hands

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She looked at Him with earnest eyes, and folded hands.

"My Lord! I have worshipped You with devotion for so many years. Please grant Me this boon; You cannot say no. Please!"

Shiva was on His way home when He was interrupted by Bhilani, a tribal woman who was His ardent devotee. She stood in His way and refused to move until Her wish was fulfilled.

"Sure, divine lady! But know that like the dewdrops on a lotus leaf, I always remain detached and not stuck to a certain place. Will You be able to bear the pain of separation and pining for My return?"

A bit of worry overcame the smile on the woman's face. 'I thought that He would deny marrying another woman. But He is not, rather He is giving Me hints and suggesting that He is ready for this marriage.'

She nodded and brought some garlands to exchange for the wedding. Shiva instantly put the garland around Her neck without saying a word.

'Is He actually going to take another wife and bring Her home? I can't believe it. How could He do this?' She averted His eyes. Rage and disappointment made Her heart ache and Her mind became foggy.

"What happened, lady? Is there anything that is troubling You?" He asked out of concern. Her obvious emotions were so expressive on Her face that anyone could tell She was upset.

She shook Her head left and right. "No Swami. Let's head home." Her mind flooded with a thousand thoughts yet She couldn't utter a word from Her mouth.

"So, are you sure Princess, that You will not miss Your palace up in the mountains?"

Her eyes widened in surprise and She scrunched Her eyebrows. Realising Her obvious reaction, She suddenly turned Her head to avert His eyes. "What? Oh no, no. Umm what are You talking about, My Lord?"

He held Her hand in reassurance. She felt the warmth of His palm enveloping Her cold hands. She had turned pale in fear and surprise. Fear of getting discovered and surprise that He already knew about Her.

"If there is any doubt in Your mind, please feel free to talk." He smiled at Her and His angelic smile made Her move to tears. She was feeling so guilty of this decision to test Him. He was so innocent and She instantly regretted doubting Him.

A lump formed in Her throat. She struggled to speak. "I have heard You always listen to the pleas of Your devotees. And You even accepted a low, outcast woman like Me as Your Wife. Such is Your glory! I'm really moved by Your kindness." She voiced Her thoughts finally, though in a cryptic way.

He narrowed His eyes and looked at a distance. After a pause of a few moments, He parted His lips to speak. "When we love someone, we accept them the way they are, in their original form. Parvati, You accepted Me, even when I hung snakes around My neck and adorned tiger skin around My waist, because You love Me. Love is acceptance which enables us to look beyond the superficial qualities. Similarly , I love My devotees  who share such a close and personal bond with Me, and thus I accept them, whatever they are, however they are or whoever they are. I don't consider what they do for a living or what they can offer Me. With very little they have or not, I am pleased even by a mere bilva leaf."

Parvati felt the petals of Her heart opening. And one by one, all fears, insecurities and uncertainties fell off, like the dried petals on the outermost side of a flower. Her heart bloomed with love like the first blossom of spring.

Shiva's words had pierced Her heart and She realised the truth. She let go and shed off all the negative emotions which didn't serve Her. She knew that He may be the Lord of the World, but only She was seated in the golden Lotus Seat of His heart.

She fell at His feet and spoke in a tender tone, Her voice tearing up, "Swami, please forgive Me. I have committed a big mistake. Please give Me another chance. I shall never behave so childishly or immaturely again."

"You don't have to apologise, Parvati. Insecurities and jealousy are unavoidable in love, just like spice which adds thrill to life. Time and again, You prove Your unconditional, pure and innocent love for Me through Your divine play and acts. I'm so blessed to have You, Parvati. You always keep Me enveloped in Your love. Why would I want to go anywhere else or to anyone else? I'm only Yours. Even if You feel that I am sharing Your time with others, please remember that no one can share Your place in My life. Never forget this absolute truth."

He lifted Her up, and looked into Her ember hued eyes. "Parvati, it's your childish nature and childlike enthusiasm which always makes My heart flutter. Just forget everything. We are married now, again. Let's go home."

Parvati melted into His arms. "I'm already home, Swami."

।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।। ।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।।
।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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