Tear Drops

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Arranging the flower on Her hair, Khyati gave a final touch up to the shringar.

She looked up to take a look at Herself in the mirror and shook Her head. Knitting Her eyebrows, She tilted Her head to show Her disapproval.

"Now you look like a regal Princess. What is with all those flower jewellery? You never seem to wear gold and jewels. Look how beautiful you look now Sati!"

Clearly frustrated, She started to unpin the hair clips and jewels. "This is so not like me, didi! I like simplicity. I feel natural and why do I need all this? Just to look good to someone else? If he has to live with me, he must like me for me. That's the way I am."

A hundred suitors had already arrived at the main hall. And the wedding ceremony, or so called Swayamvar, was about to begin in a few hours. The ceremony allowed a Princess to choose Her husband, from amidst a gathering of pre-invited Princes and Kings. Not really a choice when the guests are also decided in advance. But Sati had to oblige. She could not disappoint Her father.

You can't disappoint someone you've already disappointed. Being Her father's favourite daughter, also came with being destiny's chosen child.

She went against Her family traditions and chose the path of no traditions. The more She tried to get away with it, the more Her destiny clinged to Her.

But why was all this happening? Why was it happening to Her? And what could She do? She didn't know any of these answers.

All She knew that She was a simple girl, soft and too innocent for the world out there. She had no idea about anyone, forget about choosing a groom.

A few months ago, everything was fine and smooth. It all changed when one day She found something special. Something that would change Her life forever.


When Lord Brahma opened His eyes, He was given the responsibility of creating this universe

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When Lord Brahma opened His eyes, He was given the responsibility of creating this universe. But lacking experience and the necessary creativity, He approached the ever pervading Lord.

Ardhanarishwer, in all their glory, seated on top of the snowy mountain peaks of Kailash. Beauty in all their grandeur, with no difference, they were indeed the same and one.

"My Lord, I need your help in creating this universe. Please guide me as to how may I proceed."

Stepping forward from His left part, the Great Goddess revealed Herself. She was Shiva's Shakti, His Consort and His Love.

"I shall help you to create this world. I shall give you the gift of creation and creativity. But you must return Me and My powers to Lord Shiva once your duty is fulfilled."

Lord Brahma expressed His gratitude and promised to abide by Her words. With new powers and the support of Mother Goddess Himself, He was confident of His abilities and quickly got onto His work.

However, He got too engrossed and forgot about His promise. And when He was finally reminded, He passed on the responsibility to His mind born son, King Daksha.

King Daksha performed severe penance to seek the Goddess' blessings and She blessed Him with prosperity. She also promised to take birth as His daughter and marry Lord Shiva. And finally return to Her heavenly abode.

Things were going according to plan. But what destiny holds for us, may not be what we always wish for. We are too naive and too unfamiliar about our own truth.

"I will miss you, your presence and our Home."

"I will too, My Beloved. But this is the time for our duty. And you must go. I promise to wait for your return, no matter how long it takes."

Deep in His meditation, still mindful of the world around Him, all He could remember and recall were Her last words to Him.

Thinking about those precious moments, and the last time they were together before the seemingly unending separation, a teardrop fell down from His eye.

Known for being stoic, calm and composed, at this moment, even the Great Lord felt chaos. He may be stoic but not emotionless. He may be calm but not unexpressive. He may be composed but not harsh.

The teardrop embarked on its journey, leaving a watermark trail on His left cheek. It poured down, and as soon as it was on the holy ground of Shri Kailash, it magically turned into a seed.

A seed is a mark of rebirth, growth, hope and reconnection. Love is that seed which grows into a beautiful tree when it's watered with adoration and cared for with tenderness, well protected from the idiocracies of the external world.

The seed rolled, and kept going to its destination, to whom it belonged, for whom it had been shed as a tear.

And when Sati picked up the lotus flower which was Her favourite new found adornment for Her hair, She was astonished to see a thing of such beauty. It seemed familiar yet She had never seen anything of the kind.

Nevertheless, She gently placed the flower in Her braid and tucked the bead along with it in Her hair.

Shiva's tear of sorrow, was now a mark of His love. Sati adorned it with so much care that everyone else in the clans of humanity followed Her. The Rudraksha became a mark of Shiva, His love and His story.

।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।। ।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।।
।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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