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Lance pov 

Keith asked me in the best way possible to make out. I walked right into a trap that seemed profeshanally set up. I eneded up making out with him and waking up first he purrs in his sleep and its adorable. No no no, someone is knowcking on the door. I have to cover keith and put my robe on. I do that and open the door to see Shiro. 

"Have you seen Keith hes usually up training or eating." Shiro asked, assertivly. 

"No. I-i have not." I lied, I knew it seemed obvious but Shiro nodded and walked away. I got away with it BUT HOW?!? I shut my door. Relizing I never locked it someone could have walked in on me and Kieth last night.

"Whats going on?" Keith sat up looking at me in my robe staring at the door. 

"Shiro is looking for you. But it would be suspishious if you leave my room." I rubbed the back of my neck. 

"Youre right." EMO BOY SAID I WAS RIGHT!?! "Ill get dressed." Keith didnt say ot as an offer it was more of an order. 

"I will to." I grabbed my clothes and walked into my bathroom and shut the door. 

Time skip to like a week later couse im fukin lazy

3rd person sry if you dont like it

"Alright paladins." Allura walked into the eating area. Lance was asleep on the table. "After breakfast we will begine a traning seshion." The sound of grouns filled the room from Hunk and Pidge. "Someone wake up Lance and tell him." Allura walked out of the room. 

"Lannnce." Pidge poked at Lances arm. "Waky waky your gonna have to eat cold bakyyyy." Pudge poked Lances face. " I SAID WAKE UP!" Pidge lost patience and picked Lances leg. 

"Crap what?" Lance shot his head up. 

"Finnaly. We have a training seshion after breakfast so please take your absolute time eating PLEASE." Pidge pleaded. 

"Then why did you wake me?" Lance asked taking a small bite of his food and feeling sick. 

"I-." Pidge though, "We still need to train but untill you finish we can dilly-dallly." Pidge clapped her hands together. 

"Im not hungry lets go train now and get this over with." Lance got up and walked to the traning deck. Keith was already there traning

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