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Me: im typing this before my school starts but ill prob post this when i get home and do some adjustments to it lol 

Keith pov

I see the castle of lions. I start to speed up but my lion roles over knocking me out of my seat and I hit my head and I soon started to see black spots slowly take over my eyes. 

"KEITH! KEITH ARE YOU OK? KEITH COME IN!" I heard pidge yelling through my helmet. 

"I see black." I said before fully passing out. 

Lance pov

I've been waiting and they should be back soon and I can't wait! I heard the hangers open. I jumped up waiting for Keith and Pidge to come out of the hangers. 

I saw Pidge leave first looking frantic and trying to get to Keiths lion as fast as her little legs could take her. I watched and slowly creeper closer and I watched Pidge drag out an unconscious Keith. 

"No!" I gasped and ran to Keith. "No no. Pidge what happened is he ok?" I asked frantically. 

"I- he- he needs a healing pod!" Pidge finally spat out dragging Keith's body acrouse the ground. My body couldn't move I felt like throwing up I felt like crying I felt like this is dream it's not actually happening. Yeah that's it I just have to wake me yeah that's it. 

I mean I may not have fallen asleep and I was assured of it but i must be lost in my subconscious. I need to bring my thought back to me waiting for Keith and he'll be not knocked out and he'll kiss me and be happy with me and everything will be FINE!

"LANCE!" I heard Shiros voise coming from the door way. I looked around I was standing in the middle of the floor not moving just staring. 

"U-uh y-yeah what's up?" I asked looking at him. I bet he just needs me to eat and wants me to eat with everyone else. 

"I thought you would want to know whats wrong with Keith." He said rubbing the back of his neck. 

"He's in space im waiting for him to get back!" I said with a smile bit it quickly faded as I realized the gravity of the situation I was definitely awake. 

I broke down and started to cry uncontrollably and just crouched down to the floor crying with all my might. 

Me:I realized when I got home how I don't really know where to go after this but I mean I think I have a few ideas but idk if they'll be any good 

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