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Lance pov

I've been waiting all night in the hangers now that I know when Keith will get back I can  easily just into his arms. And this time I have a mattress under me with a pillow and I'm wearing Keith's sweatshirt.  

It's been maybe 3 hours after hearing the news only about 21 hours left! Hunk is still making sure I get the food is need. I truly didn't need this attention, I guess that if I wasent pregnant no one would truly care. But that's okay I don't mind thinking about it. 

I'm just mindlessly waiting, just like my mom said time flies when you don't know what's going on. I would then tell her I don't need to be drunk or high to make bad decisions. Is that why I'm pregnant I made a bad decision? 

No Lance it's OK you wanted this the life of this child is good you will cherish the child, no hopeful talk be certain. I sighed and matched my breathing to the sounds of the castle. I would guess I'm not the only one to do that it just makes me feel good. 

Keith pov 

If only out lions could go faster than I could see Lance faster but Pidge insisted that incase something happened we need to save the low energy our lions have. 

She probubly just can't find love and is jealous that I got to make out with someone before she got to. Sore loser. 

I wonder what Lance is thinking about. I want to hear his sweet voice wispering in my ear how much he loves me. Shiro would be such a proud space dad that I found someone to love me everything won't go wrong. 

Oh I hope so because if it dosent woo I don't want that in my memory. Heh.

Me:my school starts tomarow and idk how to feel. 

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