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-○~●- time skip to Lance being 9 months pregnant and having to go on a mission

Keith pov

Lance should have stayed at the castle but this battle is to much for us not to have him. Shiro also wanted him to stay but we both know that we need him. 

Allura came in a fighter ship it was strong but we had to protect her no matter what. 

No one's pov

The Lions where hit with a bright beam knocking them to the ground. Everyone climbed out of the Lions and went to hide for cover with druids. Lance hid behind a large rock cave that had a small entrance he was able to fit into pretty easily. 

He leaned on the cold rock and panted from the running. He had his radio on so he could hear what's going on. 

Lance pov

I hear a red Keith and Shiro frantic lyrics asking for my location and health but I couldent catch my breath to answer right away. 

"Lance where are you?" I heard Keith yell before letting out a scream. I instantly started to talk over my mic. 

"I'm fine." I let out "I'm in a cave and-" I flinched. The baby kicked really hard but I tried not to pay much attention to it "and it's behind the blue lion." I finished and started  rubbing my belly trying to sooth the baby.  

It didn't work very well. Another strong kick came and I let out a gasp before Shiro started to talk to me. 

"Lance are you ok?" Shiro said sternly. 

"Yeah fine." I let out a bit out of breath being in pain. 

"I'm coming to  you so i can get you and Keith back to the castle of lions." Shiro said sternly before I saw his face looking through the opening. "Are you ok?" 

"I'm fine." I said giving a thumbs up and rushed over to Shiro who was holding Keith over his shoulder. 

"Ok quick to the black lion." Shiro quickly picked me up and put me on his side with his robotic arm and started to run to the black lion. 

I felt a sharp pain and started to groan. Keith looked at me worried. Shiro set me and Keith in the big space in the back of the black lion and he rushed to the front of the lion and started to fly to the castle of lions. 

I was getting in more pain but the minutes. Keith was trying to sooth me but I kept gasping and groaning all the way to the castle.

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