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Me: I'll probably post this a few hours late or tomarow(aka September 8th for me)  because it may be the second day of school but I  have homework so I have to do that :,) I got it yesterday haven't done a thing and I just remembered it's due tomorrow why is math class like this ,_,

Lance pov

I sat next to Keith sleeping waiting watching. I know that sounds creepy but I miss Keith and he's right here but he's still not here. 

I started to cry. Probubly my hormones but I just want Keith to hold me and to love me. I placed my hand over Keith's and fell asleep leaning on Keith's bed sitting in a chair. 

Pidge pov

Lance has been so miserable waiting for Keith to wake up. He was in the healing pods for about 2 hours and he has been placed on is own bed and Lance has refused to leave Keith. 

Aperantly he was like this when we where gone. Refusing to leave the hangers or eat,sleep, or do basic nesseadys just waiting. 

I also found out he's pregnant. It's kinda surprising I expected them to use protection but I guess not. 

Me:I have to tell about myself (for my homework) fanfiction is like my only personality 😢😭😓

Lance pov

It's probubly been a few hours I don't know I only woke up when I felt some one playing with my hair. I sat up looking at Keith who just give me a smile.

I stood up as fast as I could holding Keith close to me crying happy tears. 

"Hey Lance." Keith said into my ear. 

"I- hi I love you so much." Me and Keith held eachother close. Keith pulled me into his lap my legs wrapping around his waist and my tears going into his chest. 

"I love you too." Keith said quietly rubbing my back. He hadn't noticed my belly so I had to tell him. Looked up Keith tears running down my face. 

"Keith I have to tell you something." I said unsure. 

"Really what is it?" Keith asked before kissing my forehead. 

"I-I'm pregnant and your the father. " I said before looking back up at Keith who first looked shocked then happy.

"I'm so glad!" Keith said pulling me into a tight hug and I started to cry happy tears again. 

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