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Keith pov

I was leaving Lance was crying as I climbed into my lion. Hunk was trying to calm him down but it seemed to fail. I placed my Lance photos on the inside of my suit.
I was going to miss him but as long as I come back safe things should be fine. I mean this mission shouldn't be to deadly I mean if it was, Allura and Conan wouldent only send two paladins.
"Hey Pidge, You ready for take off?" I asked through the mic.
"No wave to your boyfriend." Pidge had to be smirking but I sighed and waved and Lance with a smirk. He was still crying but waved back. I probubly made his day by saying goodbye properly.
"Okay I waved you ready now?" I probubly sounded a bit to persistent but the faster we get this done the faster we can come back.
"Yeah. We should get going." Pidge powered up her lion. I did the same, our lions let out a roar and we were off.

Lance pov

He left I mean he waved and he's coming back but why does he have to leave I don't want him too. Hunk kept trying to calm me down by talking to me about how he's a good fighter and he's going to come back safe.
He left to make me food but I honestly couldent cafe less about eating especially when Keith never liked to eat. Is Pidge going to keep him fed? Are they going to sleep? I'm going to worry about till the second I can hug him again.

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