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Lance pov

Ive been here waiting forever. Where is Pidge and Keith oh Keith and his stupid hair and eyes. Snap yourself together wait we are together I can day dream about him all I want. Or I could make a mexican version of him oh that kid would look nice. 

"We are here Lance." I heard Hunk call. He didnt like comeing past my or in my room unless nessecary, so I said he could enter and he threw a sleeping Pidge and Keith onto the floor. 

"What am I supposed to do with them?" I looked down at them, they almost looked dead. 

"I dont know all I know is there in a deep sleep." Hunk entered trying not to make a sound. 

"Where is Shiro?" I looked at the door closing without Shiro entering. 

"He uh got Flinn Ryder styled." Hunk sat down next to Pidge over looking the two sleeping beutys. (if you dont undertand refrence -Frying pan+head=flinn ryder styled-) 

"Nice well what did he do?" I had to know before supporting hunk any furthur. 

"He didnt want you to have kids untill the wars over." Hunk layed down to be apart of the dead group on the floor. Keith didnt have his helmet on, Pidge didnt need one, and Hunk was wearing his, it was for sure uncomfortable. 

"How rude!" I stated and curled up in a ball. 

"Whos ride?" I heard a groggy voise pipe up from the pile of dead people on my floor.

"Keith youre awake!" I grabbed him and gave him a tight hug.

"Well yeah I wouldent die im like one of the main characters." Keith hugged me back. 

"What?" I looked at Keiths face. 

"Opps." He shrugged and climmed onto the bed with me. 

"Hunk can you take Pidge and yourself out of the room for like the rest of tongight and most of tomarrow?" I looked at Hunk who sighed but picked up Pidge and left the room. 

"Ok so we are alone now?" Keith asked as if someone was living under my bed. 

"As long as we lock the door." I was signaling Keith to go an lock the door for me. 

"Yeah yeah." Keith got up and locked the door and on his way back took off his shirt. I wasent pregared, but its ok you cant always be prepared for everything. 

After a few minute preperations they started to do the wonkey wonky (sorry im not good at doing these scenes and school crombook :b) 

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