1) The First True One

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My life wasn't complete without the people I truly considered family. The biggest piece of me that seemed to be missing was Aris. I had tried to be better, but life was the same as before. When it got too bad I'd call for him only to get weird stares. It wasn't just for bad things either. Something good would happen or someone would do something stupid, and I'd try to tell him. Sometimes I'd go as far as reaching for my neck, but no one was ever there.

As I sat there my eyes kept glancing over at The Death Cure. From outside the door my parents were screaming. At that moment I knew I had to do it. My backpack has been packed and unpacked more times than I could count. The water, food, pocket knives, and even a change of clothes were in there. All I had to do was put it on.

I knew it was time to do what I had needed to since I got here. Pulling out the pen and paper I left the note I had been wanting to write since I had gotten back.

To my family,
This is the last thing you'll have of me. I'm leaving on purpose this time, and I'm never coming back. I don't know how long until you notice, but it doesn't matter. I won't tell you where I am because I know you'll call me crazy.

Even if I am I okay with that because I'm finally where I belong. Even more importantly I'm with the person I'm supposed to be with. You don't need to know who he is, or even his name. Just know that I'll be okay when he's around.

All those tears he caused are overshadowed by all he does. He makes me laugh, he makes me smile, and he lets me break down in his arms. I want to dry those tears of his, and I know he'll dry mine. No matter how bad it hurts he showed me love is always worth it. We had discovered how we would go to the end of the world for each other, and we would do it hand in hand.

I can't be the girl I truly am without him. He's the only one who could ever know what I'm thinking. He sees right through me, and no matter what you say I learned to let him. You know how you guys claim you fell in love at first sight? I think that's why you aren't working out. We had the exact opposite, but it makes what we do have more special. He's seen the darker parts of me, and he's trusted me enough to show me his.

What we have will last a million lifetimes because we ended up growing higher than the sky. There's nothing else to say except good luck with everything. I hope you two learn to love the way we do.


Sighing as I looked over the note I pulled a small pocket knife out of the bag. Then, I slung it over my shoulder efore grabbing the book. Sitting in the middle of the floor like I was preparing for some kind of ritual I opened it to the first page.

I kept my eyes open until they started to water. Once I was satisfied I made a deep cut in the middle of my palm. There was a stinging sensation as I shut my eyes. I winced as the blood poured from my hand onto the page. My eyes started to get blurry from tears until it mixed with my skin.

Already prepared for what would happen next I kept my eyes shut. Just as I had been hoping the room started to flash. This time it was a dark blue, almost black. It swiftly flashed throughout my room, bright enough to blind someone.

Suddenly, there was a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was different than last time, almost nauseating.

My head started spinning as I felt like I was being squeezed into a tight space. The pressure was almost enough to make me yell out in pain.

Instead of that feeling of blindness like last time there was nothing but light. Then, I went tumbling though something. My cheek connected with harsh metal, but I brushed it off as I stood up and looked around.

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