2) Forgotten Pasts

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Aris's P.O.V

I carefully watched as she was dead asleep on the couch. She seemed to be truly at peace as she did. It was something I've never truly seen before, and now I want her to feel that way forever.

A small smile spread across my face as I replayed her words in my head over and over. She came back for me. After all this time, after everything that happened, she still cared enough to come back.

"That was unexpected,"Sonya said quietly, joining me on the floor.

"Yeah,"I shrugged.

"But still good. It's just hard to believe she actually came back though."

"Yeah,"I agreed, still smiling at the thought.

"Did you go all love sick again?"She teased. I thought for a moment when a piece of hair brushed out of Y/N's face. In her sleep she slightly smiled.

"Yeah. I think I have."


That night was spent trying to figure out how to get to the last city. Even then we didn't know exactly how to get in, and we can't wing it. This is life or death, and it's going to be like that for a while. Even when the sun came in through the windows we were just as lost as when we started.

"Morning,"Frypan greeted, yawning as he did so. We greeted him back before going back to to trying to figure out what to do.

"Does anyone have a clue what we're going to do about food?"He asked. It hadn't exactly been the first thing on anyone's mind, except his apparently, but he still has a point.

"I do,"Y/N spoke up, carrying her backpack with her. She opened it up and tossed everyone something.

"Peaches for breakfast?"Frypan asked, turning the can over in his hands.

"Yep. All the stuff I brought is canned, and there just so happened to be plenty of fruit."

"When'd you have time to-"
"I was gone for a few months. Time works differently so naturally I've had plenty of time to think about what to do,"She explained.

"What else do you have?"Harriet asked. She looked down at her bag.

"A few pocket knives, masks, water, and stuff for us four,"She listed, looking directly at Harriet and Sonya. They breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't know what that meant, and I decided not to question it.

"What are the masks for?"

"The virus can also be airborne. People in the city aren't fond of those who are immune. They call them munnies. These should help you blend in,"She explained.

"What'd we do to get a whole new word?"Frypan questioned.

"It's pure jealousy,"She shrugged.

"Do you happen to have any idea how we get in the city in the first place? Getting there and being there are two different things,"Sonya pointed out.

"I know the others got in using fake papers, but I don't know much about crimes. I do know they don't really care about people leaving though. Maybe we could do something with that,"She suggested.

"I don't know anything about crime either. I mean, I've seen a few people almost set my kitchen on fire, but I don't think that counts,"Frypan added.

"There's another thing. If we could somehow find a way to contact Gally then-"
"What? He's kind of all psycho. How did he-"
"Don't interrupt me. He got out, and he's with some people called Right Arm. If we could directly reach him or ask for him he may be able to help."

"Are these people actually good?"I asked slowly. Her face turned into a grimace.

"Kind of. They do kill WICKED, but tons of others. Besides, they wouldn't be able to do anything without you guys. We have to pretend we don't know though. For now they're all we have."

"We actually kill them? You're not joking, right?"Frypan asked. This time she had this glint of happiness in her eyes.

"I'm not joking. A lot of you get a happy ending. There's just one more part of hell to get through, but it's worth it,"She promised.

"What's worth it?"Teresa asked, seeming mostly okay now.

"Um, the end. Just of everything. Don't worry about it now though,"She said to quickly, tossing her a can.

"Okay then, and thanks by the way. For saving my life and all that. Even after . . . that,"She trailed off, though we all knew what she meant.

"It's long forgotten,"She waved her off.

"So are we friends then?"She asked, seeming nervous to know the answer. To everyone's anticipation Y/N walked forward. To everyone's surprise she held her hand out which Teresa accepted.

"Yeah. We're friends now."

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