37) Sedative

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Waking up, I reached over for him. Pulling him close, I traced the now faint marks on his neck before lightly pressing my lips to them. Holding back a grin, I tried to ignore all the way my stomach twisted in knots at the memories.

"I love that you're so affectionate in the morning,"He mumbled, opening his eyes.

"No idea what you're talking about,"I quickly lied.

"Really? Is that why you're still touching my shoulder?"

"No I'm not,"I lied again, trying to pull my hand back only for him to grab it and kiss my wrist. It's kind of strange, but I always feel the most giddy when he kisses the small parts of me. My hand, my forehead, my cheek. While I love it when he kisses me anywhere, these little things he does have me in an actual chokehold.

"You're the only one that I trust to touch me after everything that happened, the only one I'll truly accept it from, the only one that should,"He admitted.

"I'm sorry for what they did to you, my love,"I whispered.

"It's not your fault. You couldn't just stay, but you're here now. It's okay now as long as you don't leave. As long as you don't run, and you haven't. Even when that would have been your normal reaction, you didn't,"He pointed out.

"I'll change every bad habit for you."

"Learn how to sleep, make sure to protect yourself before others, and take care of yourself,"He listed.

"Fuck you."

"It was worth a shot,"He sighed, twirling my hair around his finger. "Until then, I'll make you."

"Oh, please. I won't let you,"I scoffed.

"I wasn't asking for permission."

"I'll make sure that you can't make me."

"And you'll fail."

"Yeah right."


"What are you-hey! Get off of me, you dumbass,"I demanded, trying to push him off. Ignoring my protests he just pulled his signature move and held my arms above my head.

"This is how I would put you to sleep."

"Aris Jo-"
"I can make you stop fighting me too."

"Don't. You. Dare."

Wearing a grin, he kissed my neck, which may as well be my sedative. He absolutely knew it too, which made it so much worse.

"See? One kiss, and you give in,"He pointed out, pulling away again.

"You have three seconds to let me go,"I warned.

"Or what?"

"Don't test me."

"Aris, no."

"Quit while you're ahead."

"Three,"He finished. The second the number left his mouth I pulled him off the bed with me since I couldn't just wiggle out of his grip. Landing on top of him, I gave him a successful nod before standing up.

"I actually hate you,"He groaned.

"It's not my fault that I'm stronger than you."

"Yeah. Whatever you need to tell yourself,"He sighed. Rolling my eyes at him, I stood there and waited for him to stand. "Help me up,"He demanded, holding out his hand.

"You can walk."

"I don't care. Now, up,"He repeated.

"I said up."

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