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Original world

Y/N's parents had been reluctant to go to the police. To them the note just showed that she had run away with some random boy. They'd rather not have that be the title of their family.

So they waited, but after a week they realized she wasn't back. They dragged their feet explaining everything. An investigation was done, but nothing was found except for a book open on her floor.

So now years later they still sit in front of the television in complete silence. Every now and then her mother glanced at the room that had once belonged to her daughter.

"Where do you think she is?"She dared to ask as it switched to commercials.

"Who?"Her dad asked gruffly.

"Y/N, where do you think she is?"She repeated.

"You know what happens to runaways. She's either dead in a ditch or a druggie after that boy got fed up with her,"He shrugged.

"It's a shame. She could have made something for herself,"She sighed.

"Y/N would have been a terrible mother and an even worse wife. She was always so selfish and impatient. She couldn't cook, couldn't clean, and was always reading or working on something for school,"He listed.

"Yeah. A mother and wife,"Her mom mumbled, looking at the ring on her finger. She suddenly thought of what she had once wanted. She used to dream of having a career, a dog, traveling, and being independent. Maybe she would have gone into stocks or just moved around for the fun of it.

She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind like she always did. She simply repeated what her own mother had said.

'A woman's job it to stay home with the kids and loyal to her husband. That is what we are made for, and one day you will be too. So put those books down, and help me in the kitchen.'

She had chosen that path. She had never been able to do what Y/N had and escape the cycle.

Not that she knew that had happened. She simply lived with the regret and guilt that had driven her away. Forever.

The Safe Haven

"Guess who?"Aris whispered as he covered my eyes with his hands.

"My idiot of a lover?"I sighed.

"Correct. How'd you know?"He asked, leaning his chin on my shoulder.

"Because you do that at least once every day,"I pointed out as I accepted his embrace.

"Then, you should absolutely adore it."

"Yeah. Sure. Now let me go so I can go to work,"I demanded.

"Why?"He groaned, wrapping his arms around my stomach as I tried to get out of his hold.

"Because we have jobs."

"But I don't wanna be away from you."

"Listen here, you clingy moron. I will see you in literally three hours while being three minutes away. You will survive,"I promised.

"I don't wanna,"He repeated, burying his head in my shoulder.

"No,"He interrupted.

"Let me-"

"If you don't-"
"But I love you."

"I love you too, but right now I want to kick your ass."

"Oh, the sweet things you say,"He sighed.

Yes, my darling?

You know exactly what.

I don't think I do.


"I am going to slam you against a wall,"I threatened.

"Just like old times. All those nice memories I can't forget."

"My lovable idiot,"I gave in, holding him back. I felt his smile on my skin as he pressed a kiss to my neck. I couldn't help but grin at the way that even after all these years he still treats me like I'm the greatest thing to exist, and I always do the same.

Because no matter what I call him I always swoon when he calls me his. Because of him "I love you" comes out so natural when I say it. Because neither of us will sleep unless we're beside each other. Because he wakes me up by kissing my forehead. Because we're always holding hands. Because he still keeps his arm around my waist whenever he can. Because I always lean my head on his shoulder. Because I still make him little wooden sculptures when he's not expecting them. Because he still gives these random speeches about why he loves me. Because I always melt in his touch.

Because we love each other. Life is finally complete knowing that.

"Have a good day, my pretty girl. I'll see you soon,"He whispered, letting me go. I cupped his face and gave him a small kiss before pulling away.

"I will. I love you,"I smiled, gazing up at him one last time, and burning every last detail of him into my mind, before heading off.

Because we don't say good goodbyes because we don't leave. Not anymore. Not ever again.

Because I need him, and he needs me. I love him, and he loves me. It's as easy as that.

~From the author~

Hey guys. I know that authors notes can be irritating, but there are a few things that I'd like to say.

First off, if your family is like that my genuine apologies. I'm sure that's very hard. I also know that breaking the cycle is hard, but please remember that it's not impossible.

I would also like to thank absolutely everyone who has so much as read this. Thank you to all who voted and commented, and know that I always read every single one.

There is a prequel to this book called While I Wait. It's already up and ready to be read if you are interested. It doesn't make a true difference to this series, but it gives some background to this if that interests you.

If this series or any of my Aris fics in general have your interests I have a book called Behind The Scenes which has oneshots and deleted chapters of every single series, that I unfortunately couldn't use. There are also random author confessions and things about the book or what went on in my mind writing it.

If you would like to check either of those out it would mean so much. There's no pressure, but the option is there if you want to get more of any of the books/series.

Sorry that the author's note was so long, but thank you again. You're all amazing, and I wouldn't have had the motivation to write any of these things without your support <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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